Chapter Two 🩸

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Izuku went wide eyed at the sound of the sudden deep voice from what he had been almost certain was in fact a statue.

Vivid jade eyes tried desperately to see more clearly the owner of this faceless motionless voice.

He scrunched his face suddenly, the name the shadowy figure used bouncing in his ears.

" W-were you talking to me?" , the greenett questioned.

Katsuki smirked down from his fountain perch.

" You see anyone else?"

Izuku looked around then his eyes landed back up at this mysterious figure.

" W-well I mean no..", he answered

" Tch. Of course you don't, no one else would be Deku enough to roam around this hour of the night alone on Halloween no less. Who the fuck knows who or what's out here" , the blonde said while keeping crimson eyes on the figure below.

Izuku furrowed his brow suddenly. Who the heck was this guy tossing insults at him without knowing anything about him?!

" What did you call me?! I'm not a Deku, I'm not useless or an idiot. And I mean ... YOU'RE out here too!", the greenett retaliated with puffed cheeks and arms crossed over his chest.

Katsuki cocked an amused brow a grin growing across his handsome face.

So this little fucker was cute and sassy huh? This should be fun, he thought as he suddenly jumped down landing right in front of the greenett putting his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. The sudden movement making Izuku take a step back in surprise.

" Exactly like I said, you don't know who or what the fuck is out here, that includes me Deku" , the blonde smirked.

Izuku was finally able to take in some of this mystery guy who had been picking on him for the last few minutes.

He was tall, at least 6'2 or so. He was built, broad across the back and shoulders. He had on all black from his head to his feet, a black hoodie with a black leather jacket over it and even tho the hood was up Izuku could make out blonde spiked hair. Black ripped jeans on toned legs and black boots. His eyes, even tho in the dark Izuku couldn't make out the color he could tell were sharp, intense. He couldn't make out this guy's features completely due to the darkness of the park but he could be fairly certain he was handsome, the kind of guy he would probably be attracted to if this dude wasn't being such a jerk currently.

The greenett finally cleared his throat at the smirking blonde.

" Anyway. My name is not Deku, it's Izuku, Izuku Midoriya and I'm not afraid to be out here at night, or on Halloween", the greenett said matter of factly.

Katsuki studied him closely, he smirked taking a step closer as Izuku took one back.

" Well you should be, don't you know what's out here at night? And Izuku huh? Nah I don't think so, I like Deku better, and who the fuck gives their name so freely to a complete stranger?! I could be some kind of freak, a monster for all you fucking know."

Izuku swallowed hard, slightly unnerved by this intimidating blonde stranger, but he forced himself to keep eye contact with the somehow intriguing male.

" W-well.. I mean ... how are you supposed to get to know someone if you don't give them your name and introduce yourself ? And I don't believe in monsters", the greenett said crossing his arms once again.

Katsuki just stared, intense steady crimson eyes on this sassy little fucker.

" Even more proof that you're a Deku. Monsters exist and you shouldn't be roaming around here at night talking to strangers"

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