Chapter Eighteen 🩸

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Weak crimson eyes grow wide at the statement, a firey glow catching vampire eyes.

A low growl at the surface of a protective blonde.

" What?! Are you crazy?! No damn way Deku, not happening" , the blonde said low in his throat, the glow in crimson eyes deepening.

Izuku stared at his boyfriend in disbelief.

" Kacchan! Are..are you seriously going to argue right now?! You will die if you don't! You're losing so much blood and you look so weak! Kacchan please!"

Katsuki narrowed his eyes.

" I said no. What the fuck happens if I lose control and can't stop myself!? I could fucking drain you before either one of us realizes it, and then what huh? I fucking kill you because of this disgusting monster inside me! Nope, not risking that, fuck that."

Jade eyes were wide, with panic, fear, pain, shock and a little greenett has had enough.

" Will you stop being so fucking stubborn Katsuki! "

Those weak crimson eyes shot wide with shock. Then narrowed a growl ripping through as Katsuki suddenly pushed himself up into a sitting position making Izuku gasp in panic as he felt the wound under his hands gush while he held the blanket tightly.

" Who the fuck... ahh shit.. dammit. Who ..the ..fuck said you could curse at me huh? So God damn sassy.." The blonde grunted in pain as he was only inches from the greenett's face who was still desperately trying to put pressure on the gash on his boyfriend's stomach.

Crimson eyes watched as jade eyes were struck with pain and worry, tears down fair skin.

" K-Kacchan..keep still! And .. and please stop being stubborn! You are literally on your death bed and all you're worried about is me?! What.. what makes my life so much more important than yours??! You're so worried about how you will feel if something happens to me that you don't even see what it will do to me if something happens to you ! " , he panted through panicked tears.

Katsuki felt an ache crash against him and whatever heart he had was breaking at the words.

He stared at the greenett as he softly grunted in pain.

Izuku began to sob as he leaned forward rested his forehead on the blondes chest.

" Kacchan.. please, please you.. you have to. I .. I can't lose you. Please. You.. you will stop yourself because you love me, and I trust you. Gosh please, please do this."

Katsuki was the now feeling tears brimming in glowing crimson eyes.

He brought a blood stained hand up and put it in soft green locks as he rested his own head against the greenetts.

" You're.... you're so fucking impossible. Fuck."

He was getting weaker, he could feel it. Deaths icy grip was once again touching his skin, reaching out for him, it's fingertips ghosting coldly across him.

Izuku pulled back feeling Katsuki weight against him getting heavier.

The blondes complexion was paler, his eyes weak. The greenett could see unconsciousness was pulling at his boyfriend, threatening to drag him under and then surely away from him.

Keeping one hand firmly on the blood soaked blanket he brought a shaky hand up and held the blondes cheek which somehow felt colder a sob broke in at the feel.

" Kacchan.. please"

Katsuki stared at him, fighting crimson eyes that wanted to badly to close.

As he looks into those pleading jade eyes he knows he has no choice because if he doesn't do this he's going to leave the most beautiful eyes he's ever seen broken and devastated and he'll leave the only thing thats ever made me feel alive again, the only thing that in this life or his last that ever made him feel loved.

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