Chapter Fifteen 🩸

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* Smut here 🐺*

Pretty jade eyes watched in slight disbelief as Katsuki laid in the middle of his large king size bed in nothing but undone black jeans.

Two thick chains hung from the large dark wooden post of the blondes bed.

Katsuki had just locked a heavy iron cuff around his left wrist now crimson eye were on curious jade ones that seemed to be far off in thought.

" Oi Deku, you ok over there? Changing your mind?" , the blonde asked with a slight smirk.

Izuku snapped from his thoughts as he looked into the questioning eyes of his boyfriend.

" What ?...No... not at all, it's just..."

Katsuki rose a brow.

" Just what?"

Izuku moved to stand by the side of the bed, his fingers reached out and ran along the cuff on the blondes wrist, a frown pulled at his lips.

" Just.. is this really necessary? I mean, I hate to see you like this ..and... I really want you to be able to you know, fully enjoy this too..and um you can't touch me like this. And I dunno Kacchan I'm willing to risk you getting carried away and maybe accidentally hurting me if it means you don't have to use these " , the greenett said his eyes meeting the blondes intense gaze.

Katsuki smiled knowing how much Izuku loved him, enough to risk the monster losing control, enough to actually love the damn beast that he was.

" It is necessary Deku, for this first time it absolutely is, because I dunno how I'm going to react and as much as I fucking love that you love me and want me enough to risk it, I fucking won't, because I love you enough that I won't risk hurting you. And fuck as bad as I'll want to touch you that doesn't mean I won't enjoy this because God damn, I'm going to" , the blonde said with a smirk and a wink making Izuku blush.

" O-ok, but next time Kacchan no chains ok? "

Katsuki gave a slight smile reaching out with his free hand to touch the greenett's cheek.

" I can't promise that yet Deku, not till we see what happens tonight, now come on baby, you gotta fasten the other one before I lose my damn mind waiting for you" , the blonde grinned.

Izuku smiled slightly as he reached for the cuff with a shaky hand.

Katsuki watched intently as his boyfriend put the cuff on but hesitated to close and lock it.

Jade eyes were on the heavy iron when he heard the firey vampires voice.

" Deku, it's alright, I promise, go ahead "

Iridescent jade eyes looked up meeting crimson, his fingers still on the cuff.

" Will this hurt you? They're so heavy", the greenett whispered.

Katsuki felt an ache inside.

" No baby, they won't hurt, I'm tough as fuck in case you haven't noticed, but the damn anticipation for you might fucking kill me", the blonde said with an always cocky grin.

Izuku laughed softly and rolled his eyes as he finally locked the cuff in place. He took a step back as he let his eyes take in the firey blonde.

He bit his lip because he couldn't deny that even tho he hated that Katsuki had to be in chains there was definitely something super sexy about him laying there with dark lust filled eyes. His strong arms stretched out and locked in place.

His breathing was getting heavier by the minute because of his desire for the greenett he had his sights locked on, making his built chest and abs rise and fall with a rhythmic pace that was now matching his own breathing.

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