Chapter Twenty-seven 🩸

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* Smut here pups *

Izuku leans back against the back of the cool porcelain of the large white tub in he and Katsuki's bathroom, ear buds in lost in music.

He closes pretty jade eyes letting the hot water soothe his achy body from attack he had received from Monoma only two days ago.

He's healing nicely, but is still sore from the deep tissue brusies he received.

His face shows a slight frown eyes still closed as thoughts drift to that attack on he and Katsuki. The slight of his mate chained and beaten had broken his heart on such a deep level he swears he could feel it to his bones.

But in the end considering everything had worked out and Monoma was finally out of the way for good it had all been worth it.

A smile falls across soft features as the greenett let's out a sigh of relief filled contentment feeling the hot water do it's job.

He slides down the back of the tub further water faller over his shoulders, only part of his neck and head exposed.

In the bedroom crimson eyes open to late afternoon light through large windows.

The firey vampire blinks back sleep slowly, letting his eyes adjust to wakefulness.

He looks to his left not seeing a dark green mop of curls and he immediately wants to find what he seeks, what he will forever seek.

He sits up letting the blankets and sheets fall from his completely bare form.

Stretching the blonde moves across the room to the bathroom.
Crimson eyes find their target right away.

The vampire can't help the small amused smile that lands on sharp features at the sight of his mate with his eyes closed, sunk down into the large white tub enjoying his bath so much he didn't hear his mate enter the room.

After the blonde blushed his teeth he stepped into the tub standing directly in front of his husband.

Piercing smirking crimson eyes watch as Izuku feels the water move opening his eyes then snapping them upward to met a crimson gaze and his grinning husband in all his naked glory.

He instantly feels a blush dust his face because no matter how many times he sees the God like sight before him he can hardly believe he gets to call Katsuki his.

He removes his earbuds smiling up at the blonde.

" Hi Kacchan, I see you're awake"

Katsuki smirks.

" Yup. Mind if I join you nerd?"

Izuku laughs softly.

" I'd be disappointed if you didn't, and what would you do if I said no?", the greenett smirks as Katsuki steps carefully behind his mate lowering himself into the warm water, pulling his mate back so he's resting against his chest.

The blonde chuckles.

" I'd get in anyway, and you know as well as I fucking do you wouldn't say no to me", he teases, giving Izuku a kiss on the back of the neck that causes goosebumps.

Izuku can't even deny it because it's true.

" I wouldn't but thats not the point", he giggles as he settles back against Katsuki chest.

It's quiet for a few minutes, jade eyes closed enjoying the feeling of his mate running a warm soapy sponge over his back, shoulders and down his arms.

As the blonde scans his husband's back he feels himself tense a instinctive growl working its way up his throat as he studies the brusies that still litter fair skin.

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