Chapter Thirty-one 🩸

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Jade eyes look over the courtyard as he stands on the balcony of the estate Izuku shares with his mate.

It's early summer now, several months have gone by since Izuku's transformation into a vampire.
He's leaned to control his abilities with perfection under the love and guidance of his mate.

A lot has happened in the last in the nine months. He ment and began to date a vampire, fell deeply in love, became not only his mate but his husband, fought and won against the lead vampire who had vowed to tear them apart, became a vampire himself and now lives happily and more content then he's ever been.

Yes alot has happened in nine short months even him finally revealing to his best friend what he and Katsuki really were. He thinks about the way Denki struggled to believe it, then the way he cried when he realized Izuku's humanity was gone, then slowly through love and Katsuki explaining everything Denki finally grew to accept the unreal situation seeing how happy his bestfriend was.

A smile settles over his soft features as the warm summer air moves around him while thinks about his mate and how unbelievably lucky he is to have him. His chest aches with a deep sense of love.

There's strong arms around him suddenly breaking his thoughts.

" Better be thinking about me with the feelings I feel gushing off you little one, it pulled me all the way up here right in the middle of a heated COD battle with the idiots that I was winning" , Katsuki says into his ear kissing his neck gently.

Izuku giggles leaning back into the arms of his strong mate.

" Of course I am, there's only Kacchan, and you didn't have to do that, you could have stayed with them"

Katsuki spins his mate around in his arms feeling the greenett immediately wrap his arms around his neck.

" Hell no, and miss this? Whatcha up here thinking about nerd?" , the blonde ask kissing his mates forehead as he begins to rock them back and forth to a rhythm that needs no music other than the sounds of a warm summer night.

Izuku smiles wide.

" Just you, us, how crazy my life turned in nine months, but how unbelievably happy I am"

Katsuki let's a rare smile fully take hold pulling his mate closer.

" You are happy, I can feel it. Fuck I am too, never thought it would ever be possible. Thought I was doomed to be miserable and alone forever, till this cute little Deku stumbled into the park right into a monsters path on Halloween", he smirks leaning down pecking his mates soft lips.

Izuku laughs softly against his mates kiss.

" You don't ever have to worry about being alone now. You have me, you have me forever"

The blonde hugs him closer still moving to a silent beat.

" Yeah I do. Sure you can handle being stuck with me that long? Eternity is a long ass time baby", he smirks

Izuku laughs his own smirk forming.

" I dunno, as long as you behave I suppose I'll stick around"

Katsuki growls, his eyes catching red glow.

" Sassy brat. You shouldn't tease me about that shit, you know how jealous I am over everything about you. I'd lose my damn mind if I lost you"

Izuku smiles hugging his mate.

" Good thing you won't ever have to worry about that. You'll have me forever, I'm not going anywhere Kacchan, I couldn't, I love you too much for that, I'd die myself"

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