Chapter Fourteen 🩸

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Izuku eyes the bicolored male in front of him who was staring right back at him with a face void of any emotion.

The greenett swallowed nervously, feeling suddenly extremely uneasy but unsure as to why.

" name is Izuku. did you know that?"

Shoto let a slight smile fall upon serious features.

" Why, your name tag of course "

Izuku takes a breath. Of course his name tag! How else would this stranger know what his name was.

The greenett laughs a bit sheepishly.

" Oh..yes..right. Anyways what can I get you?" , Izuku asked, trying to force a smile finding it hard to meet the intimidating males unusual eyes.

" A black coffee will be fine, thank you"

The greenett nods moving to get the males order as Shoto watches every move.

He can see why Katsuki is interested in this human, there is definitely something intriguing about him and his eyes are a green he's never witnessed until now.

He speaks what his mind is thinking.

" You have enchanting eyes, has anyone ever told you that?"

Izuku pauses what he's doing for a moment giving the male a slight glance before he continues with the order.

Truth is he has heard that before, he's heard it most of his life but the only time the compliment has ever ment anything is when Katsuki said it to him, causing his heart to feel an eruption of butterflies.

But right now this compliment coming from the stranger in his presence was making him uncomfortable.

He cleared his throat, those iridescent jade eyes back on what he was doing.

" Um yes, I've heard that before actually, boyfriend thinks so too" , Izuku said trying to make it clear that he was taken.

Shoto raised a brow with a slight smile.

The greenett finished filling the cup and then sat it on the counter trying to avoid eye contact as he rung up the order on the register.

Shoto kept a steady gaze on the greenett as he handed him the money.

" Ah I'm sure he does think so, I mean how could he not. You really are quite.....alluring"

Izuku furrowed his brow, growing slightly irritated now by this stranger.

The greenett only gave a nod after giving the male his change and then moved quickly from behind the counter to wipe down some of the tables in the Cafe.

Shoto watched then took a step closer one hand in his pocket the other holding the cream colored coffee cup.

" Do I make you nervous?"

Izuku didn't turn around, his heart rate did pick up tho as anxiety began to kick in because what was with this guy?!

" No, I'm just busy", the greenett mumbled.

Shoto took another step closer.

" Maybe you should take a break, you look shaken"

There was the harsh yank of a door handle, the ringing of the bell that hung from it that sounded as tho it was going to fly across the room and a thundering rough voice.

" Maybe you should get the fuck away from him you bastard before your the one who looks shaken", Katsuki growled making the greenett spin around to see furious crimson eyes.

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