Chapter Nineteen 🩸

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It was now early December, the first to be exact.

The last couple weeks had gone by uneventful, other than the couple getting closer and Katsuki finishing up his healing after the vicious fight with Shoto in the ally

Izuku was currently at the blondes estate sitting on the deep brown leather sofa letting his eyes take in the relaxing frames of the fireplace.

He's been spending alot of his time here since Katsuki didn't want him alone considering he knew Shoto probably wasn't gone even tho he hadn't laid eyes on him since that night.

The greenett doesn't mind though, not at all, he's been deeply enjoying all the time he's been spending with a firey vampire and his friends.

Speaking of his friends, Kirishima and Shinso are both in the large livingroom with the greenett.

Shinso is busy with a book in a chair on the other side of the room while Kirishima is looking at videos on his phone from a spot on the floor leaning against the couch. Katsuki had gone out to get some groceries so he could make dinner for Izuku leaving the greenett with the two who whined that they never get any time with his soon to be mate, something the blonde wasn't completely fine with but when jade eyes asked if it was OK if he stayed behind with the two Katsuki folded like a cheap tent giving in, of course he did.

The greenett looked up from the magazine in his lap as he reached for his hot chocolate mug.

He scrunches his face as he looks around the room.

" Um hey guys?"

Kirishima and Shinso look in his direction right away.

" Yeah Mido?"

" I noticed you don't have any Christmas decorations up. Do you not have any or do you not celebrate it?", the greenett ask curiously.

Kirishima and Shinso exchange looks before an overly enthusiastic redhead becomes even more so as he lunges himself twards the greenett dropping beside him spilling words a mile a minute.

" Oh man Mido! Do you think you could talk Bakubro into it??! Like a tree and lights and stuff??! Dude it's been forever, I'm talking forever! Would be awesome to have decorations again! He'll tell me no, he has told me no, but you he can't say no to you !"

Izuku cocks a brow in surprise as he listens to the redhead ramble.

He meets Shinso's eye who looks at him and just chuckles shaking his head at Kirishima's outburst.

The greenett smiles softly with a giggle.

" How long has it been since you guys celebrated, or decorated for Christmas?"

Shinso and Kirishima exchanged glances again before the redhead answers.

" Well, let's see. We've been all living together for like sixty years now I guess and anytime I asked Bakubro if we could he always says no" , Kirishima explained.

Izuku frowns feeling bad for his his friends.

" Why did he say no? Did he give you an answer? Did something bad happen at Christmas, like it did Halloween? I mean I can understand why he hates that day."

The redhead thinks for a minute.

" Nah bro, I don't think anything happened, not as long as I've known him anyways. He just always said there was no point in it"

The greenett bites the inside of his lip then gives a pretty smile.

" Well, I think right there by the fire place would be a really good spot for the tree. And that huge banister is the perfect place for loads of lights and pine garland. The front door is huge, we'll have to find a really big wreath"

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