Chapter Nine 🩸

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Iridescent jade eyes looked off into the distance as he sits on the couch of his apartment, a hot cup of coffee in his hand that Denki had just given him.

It's early morning, six am early. By the time he and Denki had gotten back from the emergency room it was after midnight. He really hasn't slept yet, between the pain from the injuries and his mind trying to figure out what had happened with Katsuki in the park, sleep just hadn't come for his worried mind.

The gentel voice of his bestfriend is beside him suddenly.

" You doing ok Mido?"

Izuku eyes meet the concerned ones of his friend. He smiles slightly looking back down at the coffee held tightly in both his hands.

" Yes and no I guess. I'm sore but that's kinda the least of my worries right now" , he answers softly.

Denki sighs beside him taking a drink of his own coffee. He's been up all night with his bestfriend and he knows what the main worry is from his worn out looking friend.

" Have you answered any of his text?"

He watches Izuku nod no.

Katsuki had sent several text all night asking if Izuku was OK, and saying he was sorry at least fifty times. Every and all messages were left unanswered.

Yellow eyes shift from his friend to the window seeing the early morning dawn. He lays his head back on the couch as he thinks.

" Maybe he's scared of blood?"

Jade eyes look over at his friend who meets his gaze.

" W-What?", the greenett questioned.

Denki shrugs slightly.

" Blood, maybe he's scared of it. I mean there are people who can't handle the sight of it. Maybe it freaked him out and that's why he acted that way. It would kinda explain why he did what he did right?"

Izuku scrunched his face taking in what his friend was suggesting.

Could that have been it? Was it possible that Katsuki was just unable to handle the sight of blood?

He supposes its possible but it just doesn't seem probable that the big strong firey blonde was scared of a little blood... ok it was alot of blood but still.

As he thinks this new information over on the outskirts of town there is a blonde vampire just as twisted up over the pervious nights events.

Katsuki would normally be sound asleep by now but that was the last thing on his mind currently.

Instead of being sacked out asleep in his bed he's in another room of the large house punching away at a heavy weight punching bag that hangs from the ceiling in a kind of make shift gym.

He stands in black low cut sweats, shirtless, both his hands tightly taped as his thoughts replay the night before like a broken record.

Sweat is down his strong neck and chest as he takes powerful swings at the red bag, each one almost splitting the leather bag in two. Blonde spikes are slightly fallen as sweat drips from his forehead, his brow is furrowed tightly, handsome sharp features are twisted into a deep scowl and because Katsuki's emotions are running rampant, deep crimson eyes hold a steady pricing red glow.

He keeps seeing crying lost iridescent jade eyes as the sounds of a small emotional, confused hurt voice flood his ears.

He knows he hurt Izuku when he turned his back on him and left the park. He knows his little one doesn't understand why, because why on earth would someone who acted like they cared about you so much leave you alone and hurt when they need you the most? They wouldn't, unless they were a fucking cursed monster and they didn't have a choice.

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