Chapter Thirteen 🩸

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When Izuku fluttered open iridescent jade eyes he was met with the sight of Katsuki sleeping soundly next to him.

The fire was still crackling in the fire place and the greenett knew the blonde next to him must have kept it going throughout the night.

His heart skips a beat because there is only one reason Katsuki had done it , and he was that reason.

Izuku stares down at the handsome vampire beside him. The blonde is laying on his stomach, his well built arms under his pillow holding it, even with his face scrunched into it the greenett decides Katsuki is still the hottest thing he's ever seen.

The greenett moves a blonde spike while he places a gentel kiss on the blondes cool cheek.

He stretches letting the sleep fall from him as he quietly gets up careful not to disturb his boyfriend who he's sure hasn't been sleeping long since Katsuki normally sleeps during daylight.

Izuku moves to the bathroom brushing his teeth when suddenly his stomach growls. He scrunches his face, Katsuki is a vampire, so he wonders if there's any actual food in the house. Only one way to find out he decides while he tip toes out of the large room.

The greenett quietly walks down the hall twards the large winding staircase, as he gets near the bottom he hears the voices of two others coming from what he guesses would be the kitchen.

A green brow rose, he had almost forgotten that Katsuki had roommates! Kirishima and Shinso must have been up, that raises another question in a curious mind.

Did his roommates know that Katsuki was a vampire? Suddenly he stops walking, were his roommates vampires too?! He supposes they could be, Katsuki never spoke much about them but he did tell him he had known the two for a very long time so yes, it definitely was a possibility.

He's so lost in his own train of thought that he barely noticed a redhead standing in front of him.

" Midobro? You ok little man? You were mumbling dude", Kirishima grinned

Iridescent jade eyes snap to the redhead. A slight blush dusted his cheeks knowing that he mumbles exactly what he's thinking sometimes without realizing it.

' Oh gosh Izuku what did you say?!'

The greenett cleared his throat.

" Oh h-hi Kirishima, yeah um I do that sometimes...anyways uh good morning" , Izuku smiled sheepishly.

The redhead eyed the shy greenett standing there in what he knew was Katsuki's clothing since they were huge on the much smaller male. Shinso and Kiri had figured the greenett had stayed since his car was still in the driveway this morning. This made a redheaded male extremely happy since he was hoping the pair would work everything out and maybe just maybe his always cranky bro would get a mate out of the deal.

A grin danced across the happy redhead.

" Morning bro! Bakubro still sleeping?" , Kirishima asked.

Izuku nodded.

" Yes. I didn't want to wake him just yet but um... " He paused

Kirishima rose a brow.

" But what? You need something?"

Suddenly there was another stomach growl and a slightly embarrassed greenett.

The redhead understands now and gives a laughing grin while he puts an arm around his neck walking him twards the kitchen.

" Ah I see bro! You're hungry huh?"

Izuku giggled slightly as he walked to the kitchen with the friendly vampire.

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