Chapter Six 🩸

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When morning had broke into Izuku's apartment iridescent jade eyes opened to see himself laying chest to chest with his firey blonde.

During the night they had somehow managed to change positions and now Katsuki was laying on his side with his back to the couch with Izuku facing him locked in an iron like grip in the blondes strong arms.

The closeness makes the greenett want to squeak. But he forces himself to get it together and remain perfectly calm and still.

He takes a minute to let jade eyes take in the sleeping blonde in front of him.

He studies Katsuki's handsome features very closely.

The blonde was peacefully sleeping, his face relaxed. His ash blonde spikes still holding form. His skin really was perfection Izuku decided not seeing even the slightest blemish. His jawline was so sharp and handsome that the greenett couldn't help but reach his fingers out and lightly trace it.
Katsuki only twitched slightly feeling the sensation on his skin.
Katsuki wasn't just handsome, he was actually beautiful the greenett thought.

Izuku furrowed his brow suddenly letting his fingers touch the blondes face again.

Katsuki's face was cold to the touch. The greenett remembers the blonde saying his circulation was bad but..... in his face?!

He puzzles over it for a minute before bringing the blanket up as much as he could covering the blonde in case he was cold.

He pecked those perfect lips before he very carefully pulled himself from the blondes death grip and moved to the bathroom to brush his teeth and start the day.

Crimson eyes opened several hour's later to see very worried iridescent jade eyes staring at him.

" Kacchan! Oh my gosh thank goodness you're awake !", the greenett practically yelled from the coffee table he was sitting on.

Katsuki cocks a tried brow trying to understand his stressed out little one.

" Deku, what are you talking about? " , the blonde says with sleep in his voice as he reaches out and touches the greenett's cheek.

It's 5:30 ! You've been sleeping all day ! I tried to wake you up so many times and ...and you wouldn't budge!!! I thought something was wrong! Are you feeling ok?!"

Katsuki almost wants to chuckle and he probably would have if this little one didn't look so worried right now. His sleep schedule, something else he's gonna have to explain.

" Deku, calm down. I was up late and didn't fall asleep till sunrise because I was worried about you and I'm a fucking heavy sleeper, a damn bomb could go off and I wouldn't know it, thats why you couldn't wake me up. I feel fine. I promise" , he says with a smile tugging still stroking a worried cheek.

Izuku visibly relaxes.

" Oh... ok. Yeah that makes sense. Sorry I freaked out, it just scared me that you might be sick or something." , the greenett says softly leaning into the blondes touch.

His cheek is warm, Katsuki may not give off any warmth but he can feel it, and Izuku is the warmest thing he's felt in years. Not only physically warm, but emotionally too.

The blonde hadn't felt anyone care for him in a very long time and the look and worry in jade eyes along with that deep warmth coming off him made a tough ass cold hearted vampire want to curl into it like a sappy clingy simp that he knows he's turning into by the damn second.

" Oi, lay down with me Deku? Just for a little while", he said gently sleep still in his voice as he gave the greenetts hand a light tug twards him.

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