Chapter Eight 🩸

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Jade eyes start to flutter open in a dimly lit apartment.

Izuku's sleep filled mind struggles to figure out what time it is just by judging the light.

Is it morning? No it can't be because by the time he and Katsuki hadn't even fallen asleep the sun was up outside, that can only mean evening is falling and he literally slept all day.

He stretches, suddenly feeling something behind him, he shifts slightly seeing Katsuki sound asleep on the couch with him once again.

He smiles at the sight as he moves a blonde spike away from Katsuki's closed eyes.

Last night felt like some kind of dream, the two of them so close, dancing in the moonlit livingroom, letting eyes , touches and kisses do most of the talking. It was magical even, intense at times and down right sexy. Izuku actually blushed at the thought.

Iridescent jade eyes fall on the tattoo again on a built arm. Without thinking he runs his fingers over it again, tracing every detail.

There's a deep voice laced with sleep suddenly.

" You're fascinated by that huh?"

Izuku snaps his eyes to meet deep crimson ones that are now open, the blonde giving a sleepy grin.

The greenett laughs softly.

" What makes you say that?"

Katsuki chuckles, the sound is deeper than normal, hoarse from sleep.

" Because, you can't keep your eyes or your hands off it. Or maybe it's just me you can't stop touching, either way, I'm not fucking complaining" , the blonde smirks.

The greenett blushed laughing.

" I guess I am kinda fascinated by it and.... you" , he smiled sheepishly, a look Katsuki actually loved.

The blonde gave a sexy sleepy smile and Izuku's heart actually skipped a beat, the blonde heard it and chuckled.

Izuku rose a brow at the chuckle with a smile.

" What's so funny?", the greenett asked with a tilt of his head.

Katsuki grinned sitting up running his fingers through green locks.

" You're just cute as fuck that's all", the blonde said leaning in kissing the greenett softly.

Izuku gave him a smile when they pulled back.

" As long as you think so, I'm happy"

Katsuki grinned.

" I fucking know so", the blonde said with a wink.

Izuku laughed softly blushing, then he let jade eyes fall to the clock on the wall.

" We seriously slept all day! I can't believe it! I have to get ready for work already. I think you're turning me into a vampire or something with these hours you keep", the greenett said with a grin.

' Oh if you only knew baby'

Katsuki smiled and cleared his throat changing the subject.

" Work huh? You should blow that shit off and stay here with me instead" , the blonde smirked as grabbed Izuku waist and pulled him down to the couch with him quickly, wrapping his legs around him trapping him in a python like grip as he buried his face in the greenetts neck soaking in his warmth and taking in the sweet smell of mint.

Izuku broke out into a string of giggles that made a cold soul feel a whisper of warmth.

" Kacchan, as amazing as that sounds and as much as I want to do that, I can't I have to work so I can pay for this place, but gosh you make it hard to say no to you"

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