Chapter Four 🩸

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Katsuki is in his large bedroom staring into his closet.

He shuffles through several hangers looking for ...for... oh fuck he's not even sure what he's looking for but all he knows is everything he owns is black, right down to the towel he has wrapped around his wasit having just got out of the shower.

I mean, he's a vampire right?! Creature of the night, black heart, blacker soul so this is fucking fine right?!

He growls in frustration because maybe that little jade eyed greenett he has plans to see tonight would like to see him in something besides the damn black he's been in the last two times, and the last hundred fucking hundred years for that matter.

He stops pacing the large room almost face palming himself because when the fuck did he start caring about shit like this?!

Crimson eyes roll because he knows when, Halloween fucking night when he got hit with iridescent jade eyes and fucking sweet mint that still lingers on his jacket.

His eyes land back in the closet. Black it fucking is.

Little does the blonde vampire realize that black had lately become a certain greenett's favorite color.

Izuku was at work tho the only thing he seemed to be able to focus on was the thought of deep crimson eyes and a well built blonde dressed in black.

Every time the door opened vivid jade snapped to it anxiously waiting.

He leans back on the counter chewing the side of his nails. He knows Katsuki said he'd be in tonight and even tho he wasn't sure this was an official date he couldn't help but feel like it was, he was nervous like it was.

His eyes glanced at the clock, it was eight and still no sighs of this mysterious guy he wanted to know so much about.

He sighed checking his phone for what had to be the 100th time in the last ten minutes just in case missed a message.

His bestfriends voice is beside him.

" Dude, if you check your phone one more time I'm taking it", Denki chuckled.

Izuku graoned.

" I knoooow, it's pathetic. I'm desperate right ? This is crazy" , he mumbled.

Denki laughed looking at his friend.

" No, you're not desperate. You got dudes checking you out all the time, but you do seem pretty caught up in this one"

Izuku nodded looking up into yellow eyes.

" I am, and it's not like me, I have no idea what's up with me but he's just so... so"

Suddenly the door opened and in walked Katsuki, his full form and features finally being seen in the soft light of the warm coffee shop and Izuku Midoriya forgot how to function.

Iridescent jade eyes raked over what was now before him.

Katsuki had in a very well fitted black tshirt, the v-line neck was outlined in deep crimson that matched his amazing eyes.

His jeans were jet black, hugging well built thighs.

He had on black boots with black and red laces. His normal black leather jacket fitting his board shoulders with perfection, left open. Red jeweled studs in both his ears. His hair was spiked as usual, not one out of place since he didn't have a hood up at all . He had on fingerless leather gloves with silver rings on his middle fingers over the leather.

A smirk that had to be the absolute sexiest thing the greenett had ever seen was being worn on a spotless complexion and that jawline was so damn sharp Izuku was sure it could cut glass.

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