Chapter Seventeen 🩸

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As the late cloudy afternoon light fell aross the estates large courtyard Izuku sat quietly on the iron bench now wrapped up in the blondes signature leather jacket, his coffee cup still in his hand even tho it had grown cold awhile ago.

Jade eyes stare down into the black liquid in the cup. Katsuki is sitting next to him but there's a heavy silence between them since the argument the two just had.

The blonde looked over at the male beside him who had fallen completely quiet. Crimson eyes took him in as he contemplated what exactly to do here.

It's been a long time since Katsuki has had a relationship, decades and even then he never deemed them as serious ones, but this one was serious and he knows he seriously fucked up when he yelled at his future mate, but the topic was a sensitive one and it brought a million emotions rushing to the surface for the firey vampire.

He sighs heavily, almost irritated by the silence. He needs to say he's what.... sorry? But that's a word that's always felt like lead on his tongue and anyone else would never get to hear the word even uttered from his mouth, but this wasn't just anyone was it? No this little one was different.

He clicks his tongue as he let's his eyes fall down the path that leads around the grounds of the large estate.

" You .. you wanna take a walk with me?" , he ask letting his gaze shift back to the greenett.

Izuku looks over at him finally, he raises a brow at the blonde.

Katsuki sighs in frustration.

" Look, I know you're upset with me but just come with me... please, and I'll try to fucking explain"

There's a beat of silence as the two stare at each other.

Katsuki almost smirks because fuck if this little thing doesn't try his patience and he won't lie that it's actually one of the things that drew him in, the sassy defiance this greenett posses even in the presence of a god damn monster.

Izuku says nothing but finally nods.

They both stand and start down the path. Katsuki let's his hand brush against the greenetts who would normally latch onto it immediately, but not today, Izuku keeps his hand stiff.

The firey blonde cuts his eyes to his boyfriend beside him who's jade eyes are staring straight ahead.

A low growl wants to break through because the little shit was going to make him work for it, of course he was.

The blonde sighs.

" I'm sorry I yelled. I didn't fucking mean to yell at you"

" But you did", the greenett said shifting his eyes up at his boyfriend giving him a sassy eye.

Katsuki looked down at him suddenly just to watch the greenett give him a side eye and look back down the path.

The blonde ran a frustrated ran through his hair.

" Yes I know, that's what I fucking said. But I also said I was sorry, and you know I yell even when I'm just talking, it's part of my damn personality, but I shouldn't have lost my temper that way"

" But you did...", it was mumbled again but Katsuki heard it perfectly

' This little shit, God dammit '

Katsuki growled under his breath.

" Again.. I know. You aren't gonna make this fucking easy on me are you?" , he asked stopping short to look down at the greenett who stopped and was looking right back.

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