Chapter Seven 🩸

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Shoto stepped up standing in front of the blonde.

Shoto Todoroki was pretty high in the chain of command when it came to vampires. He had been one for over five hundred years after all but to a defiant fierce firey blonde all Shoto was was an annoying lap dog to Monoma.

" What the fuck are you doing here Half and Half ?" , Katsuki asked knowing the reason already.

" I'm here because there are rumors that you had gone and got yourself mixed up with a mortal, judging by how strongly you reek like him I know it's true. Have you bed him? "

Katsuki eyes caught deeper red as he closed the small distance getting in the face of the bicolored eyed male.

" Watch what you fucking say, and that for fucking sure is none of your business or that fuck-off you're a lap dog to" , Katsuki growled.

Shoto's face shown no emotion tho he did raise a brow slightly.

" You're so defensive over this human. Don't tell me you've actually fallen for a disgusting mortal."

Every word was making the firey vampire seethe on the inside. Strong fist clenched at his side.

" I'll say it again. It's none of your fucking business, any of it or Monoma's, he doesn't fucking own me like he does you."

Katsuki was getting ready to walk away to get in his car until he heard the next words.

" I might have to see for myself what's so special about this human of yours that you would defy the rules so easily, he really must be.....something" , Shoto says with the smallest of smiles.

Flames ignited in already glowing red eyes and right now as anger burns in a black soul Katsuki doesn't care if he's out in public or who the fuck sees him as he spins around grabbing the bicolored eyed male and shoves him to the wall.

" You will stay the fuck away from him do you understand me? If you get any where fucking near him I will rip out your God damn throat and show it to you before you have a chance to hit the ground, and that's not a threat that's a fucking promise you bastard, and you can run back and tell that prick Monoma I said the same fucking thing" , the blonde growled his fangs on display.

Shoto glared back at the blonde who was breathing hatred at him.

" You fight like you're protecting a mate, please tell me that's not the case, that bond is for life"

Vampires mate for life, of course if you're mate isn't a vampire that can be an issue. It's not like the idea hadn't already crossed the blondes mind because it has, it's early to be thinking that and he knows it, but in all his years both vampire and human he has never met anyone like the little greenett in an upstairs apartment and of everything he might not know yet the one thing he does know is that he doesn't want to give him up, ever.

" How many times do I have to fucking tell you, it's none of your God damn business huh? I could beat it into you if I need to and I will if you fucking test me and you know, you know I can back up everything I fucking say" , Katsuki seethed through gritted teeth.

There's silence between the two for a beat as both glare, the bicolored male still locked in a death grip.

Katsuki gives one more deep growl before shoving Shoto again and turning around.

" Does he even know what you really are Bakugo? Does he know he's been all over a monster?"

There's a cringe inside the blonde, because no Izuku doesn't know...yet.

Katsuki never answers as he walks tawrds his car merely raising his middle finger. The silence tells Shoto that's a no.

" I look forward to seeing you again soon Bakugo, and hopefully you tell your human the truth soon, would be a shame if he found out by accident"

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