Chapter Twenty-four 🩸

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It's an early February evening, a still cold breeze blows down the town sidewalk as Katsuki walks his mate down the street twards work. Fingers linked, listening to his husband happily chatter on next to him.

" We should get a dog, or a cat, maybe both. Did you know Shin really likes cats? I mean like really likes them, but I think Kiri would rather have a dog. I like either one honestly, we should really consider getting something tho. What do you think Kacchan?"

Crimson eyes are straight ahead the words barely reaching his mind.

" Uh yeah sure Deku, whatever you want babe"

Izuku looks up his his husband seeing a look thats far off and a feeling of unease that he feels coming from the blonde.

He stops short snapping Katsuki back by their connected hands.

The blonde vampire stares at his mate in confusion.

" What?"

Izuku raises a brow then crosses his arms.

" You tell me. Did you even hear anything I just said ?"

Katsuki eyes him.

" Yeah, of course. Some shit about getting a hamster or something"

Izuku blinks at his husband. He might even actually have laughed if he couldn't tell something was bothering his mate.

" Hamster? No Kacchan, I said we should get a dog or a cat for Kiri and Shin, but what's wrong? What's bothering you? "

Katsuki pockets his hands in his jeans, eyes shifting down the sidewalk behind Izuku.

" I dunno, just a fucking feeling. A sense of dread or something. I know those fucks are out there, I feel them but I'll be damned if I can get eyes or hands on them. It's driving me fucking nuts and I'm worried about you working and shit"

Izuku nips his lip, he can feel Katsuki's unease, he tries to soothe his mate. He smiles softly wrapping his arms around the broad blonde vampire.

" I'm sure everything will be ok Kacchan. My mate is big and strong and super protective. Work has been busy, so I don't think they come inside to try anything with that many people around, and I don't come outside till you get here to pick me up, so try not to worry ok? Oh and Kirishima said he was going to stop by tonight while you picked up some groceries so I won't be alone anyways"

Katsuki studies him. Crimson eyes staring into pretty jade ones that he knows are trying to soothe his unease. He can't help but smile down at his mate as his grip around his waist tightened.

" Your mate is big and strong, protective is a damn understatement. I won't be long getting groceries and then I'll be in till your shift ends, I don't trust Shitty Hair to protect you the way I do. Thanks for trying to calm me down, not sure what I did to have such an amazing mate, but damn I'm glad I did it" , Katsuki smirks leaning down to kiss his husband.

Izuku laughs softly when they pull back, his arms still around the large vampire in black.

" Just you being you was all you had to do, totally doesn't hurt that you're super hot tho and it's me who has the amazing mate and husband" , Izuku says with a smile as Katsuki links fingers again continuing the walk to the coffee shop.

His chest aches with love for the greenett he knows he could now never live without.

After a few feet he stops again, words from before suddenly registering, a blonde brow furrows as he looks at his mate.

" Deku, what the fuck, a dog or a cat for the shits?! They aren't our damn kids ! I'll get you one if you want, but those fuckers are on their own"

Izuku laughs at his suddenly grumpy sounding mate.

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