Chapter Twenty-eight 🩸

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Iridescent jade eyes are wide with disbelief at the words his mate just said, in fact he isn't even sure he actually heard him correctly.

" W-what? Are..are you saying that you finally agree ??"

Katsuki meets a wide jade eyed gaze taking a minute before he answers because down deep inside he loathes this, loathes the very thought still.

He takes a deep breath breathing out his next words deeply, with caution and a hint of regret.

" Yes. Even though it's twisting me inside in ways I've nerve felt. I'm being honest with you here Izuku, I fucking hate this, hate that I'm taking your humanity to replace it with a monster, I hate even more that part of me feels selfish for doing it because I know damn well I can't live without you, that it would drive me fucking mad in the most tortured way I've ever known, and Deku, thats saying alot because your Kacchan has known pain and torture in ways that in a million life times I will never repeat to you." , the blonde says, crimson eyes deep with emotion.

Izuku feels Katsuki's stormy emotions, as well as sees the same storm swirling in beautiful crimson eyes. He knows this is sore spot for his mate, knows that this firey vampire would rather end his own existence then put his mate through the change he's about to under go. He's also well aware that in the centuries Katsuki has been around, he has seen and felt great loss as well as had to fight his way through with sweat and blood to survive and the one thing Izuku is absolutely sure of is from this day on, his mate, his love, his Kacchan will never fight alone again....ever.

The greenett reaches out and runs his fingers over the blondes sharp jaw, jade eyes glassy with love and understanding.

" I know how hard this is for you. You don't want to hurt me and I love you even more for that, but Kacchan, I want to do this. I need to do this because there is no way I could leave you, I refuse, so this has nothing to do with you being selfish, this is my decision, one that I have absolutely no doubt about, one that just like being your mate and husband I've never been more ready for.", he says, those gorgeous jade gems shining with pure unwavering determination.

Katsuki studies him, his chest throbbing with emotion. The love he feels from this little one who has always loved both man and monster still amazes him, but at this moment this beautiful human before him who is willing to give up his very life to be reborn a monster to stay by his side for eternity is overwhelming. He doesn't even realize he's crying until he sees tears down fair skin too and feels gentle fingers wiping away ones from a firey starting beast.

" I love you Kacchan. It's going to be ok."

Katsuki gives him a smirk wiping away his own tears,a slight scoff coming from him.

" You turning me into a soft cry baby or what huh?"

Izuku laughs softly leaning over hugging his mate around the neck who is still crouched down by the bed in front of him.

" I like you like this, but then again I love everything about you, I think I might be slightly obsessed with you" , the greenett grins still hugging his husband's neck tightly.

Katsuki chuckles squeezing the greenett in his arms.

" Yeah, you definitely are, crazy Deku, I keep telling you, fucking crazy and impossible, let's not forget that"

Izuku giggles pulling back giving a smirk of his own as he looks into crimson.

" You like it tough guy, admit it"

Katsuki smirks.

" Never."

Izuku grins wide.

" We'll see, I'll have eternity to get you to say it"

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