Chapter Twenty 🩸

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* Smut here *

Jade eyes went wide as he stared into flaming red orbs that held a deep red glow.

Before Izuku could even respond Katsuki stood and swiftly picked the greenett up in strong arms holding him in a bridal style carry.

The blonde locks eyes with him as he moves across the dimly lit room twards the large staircase.

He hears the rapid heartbeat, he feels it against his own body, Izuku is also trembling and that for whatever reason is just adding to the animal like want that's rushing inside his veins.

The firey lust filled vampire takes the steps with intent fill strides, Izuku locked firmly in his arms.

The greenetts mind is racing right along with his heart. He's fascinated by the look of his boyfriend right now who seems like he's caught up in another zone, and honestly he is too.

He can't believe this is happening, but ever since the blonde had uttered the words about becoming his mate it's all he's thought about ever since.

The blonde stops at his closed door, crimson burning eyes shifting down to his boyfriend in his arms.

A slow smile moves across a perfect mouth.

" You sure you're ready for this? Sure you want to be bound to me forever because Izuku, once it's done it can't be undone."

Jade eyes stare up into deep intense crimson.

He should have reservations about this. He should be at least hesitant, maybe even a bit scared, because I mean this is crazy right? To any other normal person this probably sounds absolutely crazy, insane even, but Izuku doesn't have one ounce of hesitation or fear, he wants this, he wants to be bound to this firey vampire for the rest of his life and beyond that if he can manage to talk Katsuki into it.

He's never loved like this, felt like this, been so completely into someone that it's hard to tell where he begins and Katsuki ends, the two are intertwined so perfectly that he can't even imagine a life without him, the mear thought makes tears want to fall without warning.

So is he ready for this? Does he want this?

The words are on his tongue before he can think another thought.

" I'm positive Kacchan. I've never been more sure about anything"

Katsuki feels emotion building staring into the prettiest jade eyes he's ever seen. A smile reaches his face, curving perfect shaped lips into a heart stopping show of perfection.

Izuku reaches up running fingertips over a sharp jawline as he speaks.

" But what about you Kacchan? Are you sure you want me? Positive that I'm who you want as your mate forever?" , the greenett asked almost afraid the blonde might actually reconsider.

Katsuki's face stays emotionless for a moment, not saying a word.

The silence now causing a worried uptick in Izuku's heart rate.

The blonde let's a half smile show remaining quiet as he opens his door.

He enters the room with the greenett still tightly held to him.

Crimson eyes catch flame as the blonde looks at the fireplace making it burst to life, cracking and popping with a blaze movement and warmth.

His eyes shift around the room and each place those pricing flame dancing eyes land a candle ignites.

One by one candles jump lit at the blondes command, filling the room with a beautiful soft amber glow.

Katsuki keeps all other lights off, candlelight the only thing wanted tonight.

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