Chapter Five 🩸

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Crimson eyes stared into the flames of the fire burning in the large fireplace in the livingroom of the abandoned mansion Katsuki calls home.

His mind goes back to two nights ago when he was with Izuku on thier first official date, the night he created fire in the park to warm up the cold little greenett he had now claimed as his very own.

He let's a smile fall upon his features at the thought.

After they had sat by the fire in the park talking for hours Katsuki had walked Izuku home gave him another gentle kiss before returning to his own place.

In the two days since they have texted several times a day and the blonde had drank more coffee at that shop downtown then even a vampire should, since he visited his little greenett the past few nights he worked making sure to hang around most of his shift.

He's growing more attached every day, something he never really thought possible, but it was definitely happening.

A slight frown suddenly pulls at the blonde vampire. Izuku's had told him last night that tonight he didn't have to work so he had plans to hang out with two of his friends since he hadn't had much time to see them lately.

Katsuki checks the time seeing that it's seven pm. He sighs heavily.

He growls at himself almost because damn he had become a clingy fuck already and dammit he misses that little fucker already.

Thoughts are suddenly interrupted by a redhead.

" Yo bro, you not gonna see Mido tonight man? Normally you're gone by now" , Kirishima says with a grin flopping in a chair next to the blondes like usual.

Crimson eyes turn to glare at the extra next to him.

" Tch. Not that it's any of your business but he's hanging out with a couple friends tonight, I'll still be seeing him, just later. And what the hell did you just call him?"

Kirishima meets his friends annoyed gaze.

" Oh what Mido? I mean his last name is Midoriya right? Just shortened it bro, friendly nickname that's all man" , the redhead says with a chuckle.

On the other side of town a little jade eyed Mido is regretting his decision to come to this dance club with Denki and another long time friend Mina, for two reasons.

One, he really misses Katsuki already and two there is some guy here relentlessly pursuing him even though he has made it really clear that he's in a relationship and not interested at all.

Currently he's at a table sipping a beer keeping his eyes peeled open for the touchy feely guy who doesn't seem to understand what no means.

" Sorry Zuzu. I mean you're a little hottie so I get what this guy sees but man, this jerk won't back down!" Mina says looking around the dark club.

" Yeah man like what the hell?! I mean you said you were seeing someone and everything!", Denki adds taking a drink of his own beer.

Izuku shakes his head his eyes on the lable on his beer bottle as he absentmindly pulls at the corner of the label.

" I have no idea, but it's getting really uncomfortable, and I miss Kacchan", he softly mumbles.

He tried to do the right thing here and give his friends some one on one time, but all that's really on his mind are those crimson eyes that pull him in further every time he sees them. He doesn't want to be here, he knows where he wants to be and here with this overwhelming loud music and creepy guy that has tried to grope him more than once is not it, for sure.

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