Chapter Twelve 🩸

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Iridescent jade eyes look out at the dark moonlit courtyard from Katsuki's large bedroom window.

The November night was clear and cool. The greenett tries to steady his thoughts after had just found out that monsters really do exist and his boyfriend was one of them.

He nips at the inside of his cheek as he takes in the info again. Honestly he doesn't really have that much information just yet, the blonde told him what he was and showed him proof, other than that he doesn't know much else.

The firey vampire had just gone downstairs to get Izuku a glass of water and told the greenett he would answer any and all questions he had when he got back.

He takes a deep breath still trying to process that this was real but this was real , very real and a very real vampire just made his way back into the room making Izuku turn from the window and meet his gaze.

Deep crimson eyes locked on as the blonde gave a slight smile while he made his way across the room handing the glass to the greenett.

Izuku smiled giving a soft thank you taking the glass and drinking the cool water.

Katsuki studied the little greenett in front of him sipping his water. He reached out and pushed a green curl behind his boyfriend's ear.

Gentle jade eyes met intense crimson and the firey blonde can't believe that this little one, his little one who stole whatever heart he had left still wanted to be in the same room with him and not only that he loves him, this perfect little thing loves him even though he's a damn monster.

Katsuki sighs heavily sitting down on the large window seat leaning back on the wall, he taps the space next to him for the greenett to sit.

Izuku nods and sits as the two hold each other's gaze.

The blonde gives a smirk as he reaches out and takes the greenetts hand.

" I bet there's a million different questions in that pretty head huh? So let's have um"

Izuku smiles looking at the hardwood floor for a moment before picking up his eyes meeting crimson ones.

" Well.. I.. I guess the first one would be h-how.. how did it happen?"

The blonde takes a breath giving the slightest of smirks.

He shrugs a bit

" It happened because I had the worst fucking luck in the word and because I was a cocky prick who couldn't keep my mouth closed when I ran into not only a vampire but the head fucking one on a Halloween night years ago stumbling home drunk from a party in town. He bumped into me, I got fucking pissed, said some words ready to fight and he bit me, but not to turn me, he injected enough venom to kill me, it was supposed to kill me, but I survived, kind of I guess if you call this living. Imagine the look on that shitty extra when he discovered years later that he didn't take me out the way he had planned".

The blonde actually gave a cocky grin at the last part as Izuku sat wide eyed listening.

A glassy sheen suddenly appeared as the words began to sink in.

" K-Kacchan you... you almost died... like....for good ??!"

Katsuki rose a brow at the emotion in jade eyes.

He slid closer to the greenett and his grip on his hand tightened.

' Oh Deku, if you only knew how many times your Kacchan almost died...for good'

" Well yeah, but as you can see it didn't stick, takes more than that to take me out Deku" , the blonde smiled.

Izuku swallowed hard.

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