Chapter Twenty-three 🩸

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Bicolored eyes gaze out across the cold winter night from the large ornate home he's staying in.

There's a few inches of fresh new fallen snow on this late January night.

It sparkles in the moonlight like small diamonds sprinkled on the grounds.

Shoto sighs deeply, his face expressionless, but his thoughts tonight are wandering in a few different directions.

There's footsteps entering the large room suddenly, the sound hitting the gleaming hardwood making him almost want to cringe.

The steps stop only a few feet behind him but he makes no move to turn around, only continues to look out on the winter night with hands tucked inside his navy dress pants.

He knows who it is, he doesn't need to make any kind of eye contact to know exactly who is glaring at him with glowing blue eyes.

" I don't understand, so please Shoto explain to me again how Katsuki is still standing and how that disgusting human that he has not only mated but married is still alive. I shouldn't have had to come all this way to take care of this nonsense, you are more than capable of handling that hot headed fool, so why haven't you?", Monoma questions with frustration in his voice.

Shoto sighs again speaking without a change to an emotionless face.

" You greatly underestimate how strong Bakugo is, how strong he's always been, and how much stronger he has gotten since he has taken a mate"

Blue eyes narrow as Monoma scoffs.

" He's nothing, he's always been nothing! And speaking of his mate, that trash is human, so he has no real strength, so tell my why that little rodent is still breathing Shoto, when I know for a fact that you have had eyes on him for months now, you could have put an end to this already, so what seems to be the problem? "

Shoto turns around finally, face void as usual, bicolored eyes meet blue. He doesn't speak for a moment carefully choosing his words.

" You didn't hear what I just said. Bakugo is more powerful now that he's in love, it fules an already hellish fire that lies within him. He has more reason than ever to not only fight but win. If we kill his mate, Katsuki will come, he will come with more unkempt rage then we have ever seen and judging by the way I have seen him with Izuku, you will not stand a chance in hell against him"

Blue eyes catch a deep glow as the blonde male flies across the room closing the distance getting into Shoto's space shoving him to the glass window.

" Have you forgotten whom you're speaking to?! I must have made a great mistake making you my second in command. Have you grown soft Shoto Todoroki?! Katsuki Bakugo is weak!"

Bicolored eyes catch a red and blue glow.

There is a slight smirk on his features.

" He wasn't weak when he survived what was meant to kill him a hundred years ago was he Monoma?"

Blue eyes glow brighter as the vampire feels anger erupt in his chest. Fangs elongate, and before another word is spoken Monoma draws his hand back and slams it onto the side of Shoto's cheek with a loud crack.

His breathing is ragged not liking that suddenly meek Todoroki is taking back, rubbing salt in a wound that has always been there, one that would always be known as wayward as fuck Katsuki Bakugo, the only human to ever survive a bite ment to kill him and not only did he survive then, he seems to keep on doing so, and on top of that, that bad mouthed, rebellious blonde is thriving, flipping off Monoma and his rules at every damn turn.

" You watch your God damn mouth Shoto, that night was a mistake that I promise you will not happen again. Mark my words Katsuki Bakugo will pay for this, and not only this but every other rule he has ever thought he was above. His human will be taken from him and Katsuki will die a slow painful death finally" , the blonde seethes

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