Chapter Thirty 🩸

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Katsuki walks Izuku outside to the courtyard, it's late afternoon the sun dim so it's not an issue.
Taking his mate outside is the safest way to test his new gift, they can be unpredictable at first and at the moment they have no idea what it even is.

The day is clear and cold but the first thing the greenett notices is that he doesn't feel it, the cold isn't bothering him at all.

He smiles at his mate who he is holding on tightly to by connection hands and laced fingers.

" I don't feel the cold! Man this is great!", he beams.

Katsuki looks down at him with a chuckle and a head shake.

" How the fuck are you so happy about being a damn monster ?"

Izuku grins.

" Well I mean, there's perks. We never get old, cold doesn't bother us. We get to spend together forever, literally, and we have super cool gifts! Well, at least I hope mine is cool, I'm going to be so upset if I have something stupid like... like ... "

He pauses trying to think.

His mate looks down at him with an amused raised brow.

" Like?"

Jade eyes look up at amused questioning crimson.

" I dunno, like I can tame bunnies or something!"

Katsuki raises both brows and laughs loudly, teasing words on his tongue.

" That would be fucking cu.."

Izuku stops short slamming a hand over his mates mouth jade eyes catching glow.

" Don't even say it Kacchan!"

Katsuki smirks behind the hand over his mouth he pulls it down leaning in kissing his pouting mate quick.

" Cute Deku, it would be fucking cute"

Izuku groans in frustration as his mate chuckles pulling him along again down the garden path.

" But I don't think that's what it's going to be so don't worry"

The greenett looks up at him as they walk with questioning eyes.

" What do you think it will be then?"

Katsuki meets his gaze, he shrugs.

" I'm not sure but I have this feeling it's way better than that shit. We're connected don't forget, there's something bigger than that coming off you, we just have to figure out what it is."

They stop in the center of the garden as the blonde looks down at his mate who is wide eyed with wonder and Katsuki is his teacher.

" So what do I do?? How can I see what it is?!"

Katsuki chuckles.

" Ok well it's different for everyone but focus is always the key. Normally figuring out what it is the first time requires some kind of trigger, something that will set off the ability"

Izuku scrunches his face.

" Well how do we do that? "

Katsuki thinks for minute.

" Think of something that pisses you off, really pisses you off"

Izuku narrows his eyes thinking.

Lots of things irritate him but is there anything that pisses him off that deeply?

There's a voice suddenly, Kirishima and Shinso had come out to see what Izuku's gift might be.

" Think about something hurting your hot head" , Shinso says

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