Chapter Twenty-two 🩸

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Jade eyes peer out into the wintery night behind the large glass window of the coffee shop.

A sketch pencil is being fiddled with in an artist fingers, open sketch book on the dark marble counter showing an expert drawing of deep crimson eyes and perfect blonde spikes.

Izuku is at work thinking about what he normally is, his mate.

He has been Katsuki's mate now for a couple weeks and things have been going amazing.

He has moved into the large estate and its felt completely like home.

Christmas has come and gone not long ago, the couple spent it together along with Shinso and Kirishima. They all opened gifts Christmas morning while Izuku smiled brightly giggling every now and then at the overly excited redhead who obviously hadn't celebrated the holidays in a long time.

Katsuki made Christmas dinner that night and told his mate to invite his friends if he wanted, something the greenett did happily.

Denki and Mina joined the festivities and had quickly grown to like the brash blonde and his friends seeing how happy it was making the greenett. They weren't all that surprised when their friend had announced to them that he would be moving in with Katsuki, the two were hardly ever seen apart as it was, so it naturally seemed like the next step.

Izuku still hasn't told them the truth tho, that was a tricky subject after all, I mean how do you tell your bestfriend your boyfriend is a vampire and your actually mates.

He smiles at the idea tho imagining his bestfriend's disbelieving face as he would no doubt be trying desperately to put the pieces together. He loves Denki but he also knows that his mates teasing nickname of Dunce for him isn't far from the truth.

The smile suddenly falls from pretty features because even though things have been going amazingly well lately he can not shake the feeling that he's being watched, that there are eyes out there somewhere just out of his view watching his every move. He can feel it, sense it but any time he looks, or turns around to investigate this feeling he can't find anything or anyone. It's annoying, like an itch you know is on your skin but just out of reach of your touch, but no doubt it's there.

It's made him uneasy because after all there are other vampires out there who no doubt know Katsuki has broken the rules and are out for them both.

The blonde vampire can feel his mates unease and often shows up at the first sign of it or sends a text, places a call, or just hangs out for the entire shift, not that Izuku minds that at all because just like Katsuki had told him, it feels almost unbearable to be away from each other.

Jade eyes glance at the large wall clock seeing that it's 9:30 on December 31st, new year's eve.

He sighs, he isn't happy about having to work on the holiday but he will be out and home in time to get a kiss from his mate at the stroke of midnight so they can start the new year together.

He scrunches his face suddenly because speaking of his mate he's a little surprised the blonde hasn't been in to see him tonight, it's actually very rare, and Katsuki hadn't answered his last few text.

He nips his cheek inside, slightly concerned but the bell on the door suddenly sounding breaks him from his thought and a familiar happy voice of his bestfriend instantly makes him smile.

As jade eyes meet the yellow ones of his friend he cocks a brow making his bestfriend grin as he makes his way to the counter holding what appears to be a hanger over his shoulder.

" Hey bro!"

Izuku smiles with a slightly confused look.

" Hey Denk, umm what are you dressed up for? You have a new year's party tonight?"

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