Chapter Eleven 🩸

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Katsuki's crimson eyes go slightly wide at the request just given him by his little one standing determined in front of him, actually now that he thinks about it for a minute it was more of a demand than a request.

He might have even chuckled at the blodness of this much smaller male who just strode into a fucking monsters domain and gave him an order like it was nothing, if he wasn't so damn surprised that he was even here.

Katsuki looked down into doubtful jade eyes as he ran a slightly nervous hand through blonde spikes.

Izuku narrowed his eyes just slightly crossing his arms over his chest.

" Well?"

Katsuki raised a brow at this now very bold little one in his presence.

" Damn Deku, let's take a fucking minute here. First how did you even find me?"

Izuku let out a slight impatient huff.

" It wasn't too hard, you gave me a few clues one night when we were talking, I just pieced the rest together and then I saw your car so I knew I was in the right spot. Why do you not want me here? I mean I can go if you...."

The firey vampire cut him off before he could finish.

" First, I never fucking said I didn't want you here, I was just surprised that's all. Second, why are you being so damn sassy huh?!", Katsuki said talking a step closer so they were almost chest to chest, looking down into jade eyes that suddenly looked a bit unsure.

Izuku cleared his throat and took a small step back.

" I..I'm not being sassy, it's .. it's just...." , he paused as he looked up into deep crimson eyes that now had one brow cocked

" It's just what?" Katsuki asked in a low tone that always made Izuku's body react on its own.

The greenett was about to answer when suddenly there was another voice in the room.

" Yo bro, heard the door who's here...Mido?! That you man?!", a happy grinning redhead beams making his way quickly across the room.

Izuku turns and gives Kirishima a slight smile.

" Hello Eijiro"

A growl rises in Katsuki's throat at the first name of this extra being said from his little one.

" Kirishima Deku, his name is Kirishima or Shitty Hair. We're going to my room extra do not get any fucking place near it, don't you and Insomniac have someplace to be tonight anyways? " , the blonde vampire says with annoyance as he snatches Izuku small hand in his and makes his way to the large winding staircase.

Kirishima crossed his arms rolling his eyes at the blondes jealousy knowing that's the reason he wanted him and Shinso out of the house.

" Yeah bro whatever you say. Hey Mido, good to see ya man!" , the redhead yelled after them as Izuku gave a wave and a smile from the stairs while being tugged along by the blonde.

Once they reached the top of the stairs Izuku let his eyes finally take in the seemingly massive house.

From the outside it had looked to be in so much disrepair but from the inside it was actually quite nice.

The hallway was lit up dimly by a few small lamp like lights that hung on the wall. The floor was dark cherry wood that looked worn but still held a shine.

Katsuki walked along quietly the greenett's hand still tucked in his when he suddenly stopped at a door all the way at the end of the hallway.

Izuku bit the inside of his lip feeling a bit of anxiety creeping in unsure what he'd see on the other side of the large wooden door. I mean Katsuki said he was a vampire, don't vampire's sleep in coffins and stuff?! His mind wanders frantically thinking of everything he had ever seen in every cheezy vampire flick he had ever watched.

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