Chapter Twenty-five 🩸

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Crimson eyes open slowly. A weak mind tries to steady and focus on where he is.

There's a surge of pain through his built body. He groans in pain. Two strong arms pull but it's useless and he almost forgot that he's chained in this God damn room.

His arms are outstretched, heavy cuffs holding his wrist, each one shackled across the room that he's standing in the middle of.

Standing is probably the wrong word, at this point he's being held up by the chains that bind him. His knees are weak, buckling under him from the hours of torture he's been facing.

There's large gashes and cuts over most of his bare torso, his face is bloody and brusied. He's been denied blood and water. Monoma's goons have been working him over every half hour or so using any form of slow pain they can think of.

His mind shifts to one thing and one thing only. His mate. He can feel Izuku's distress, his emotional and mental anguish. It's been the only thing to break the strong vampire into tears. His mate is hurting and he's powerless to stop it.

Crimson eyes shift around the large room, he's alone for now but he knows it won't stay that way.

He's worried, the physical pain nothing compared to the constant pulsing fear that Izuku is going to be hurt or killed.

His mind twist, trying to push through the agony he's in. He hasn't seen Monoma, or Todoroki both those things surprising and worrisome.

He furrows a bloody blonde brow his mind going back to when he was taken out by his car.

He's sure he heard Shoto say he was sorry, but for what?! For this? For what was no doubt to come?! No that couldn't possibly be, could it? That bastard had never given two fucks about him so why now?

Outside a large estate that Monoma calls his own when he's in the area Izuku is getting ready to lunge from Kirishima's car to the front entrance before the redhead grabs his arm.

It's taken them hours to find the place since Monoma had sent them on goose chase after goose chase, giving them wrong directions at every turn like this was some kind of game, and really to the lead vampire that is exactly what this was, a way to only prolonge the pain and fear that both were suffering.

Jade eyes dart to red ones.

" Kiri, what are you doin?!! Let me go, I have to get in there to him! He's hurting so much!" , Izuku yells wide eyed with tears.

Kirishima sighs.

" Mido, I know, I do I understand. But... but you know this is just a trap right?! You're walking into a death trap, there is no way Monoma is letting you walk outta there alive"

Jade eyes grow dark even as tears flow from them.

" I don't care, if we die then we do it together. I'm not letting him suffer alone, he's my mate, my husband, the only man I've ever loved and the only one I ever will. I knew the risk when I agreed to be with him, we both did. We knew this day would come, but I have zero regrets and I'm not letting him go through this alone." , Izuku says, his voice deep, low, words full of love and determination flowing.

Kirishima takes a deep breath.

" I know Mido, I know, but.. Bakubro would want me to stop you, to keep you safe, to protect you at all cost. He's gonna be pissed when he finds out I never tried to stop you"

Izuku smiles through tears at the redheaded reaching over sneezing his thigh.

" I'll handle him if it comes to that. Now I hate to ask you this but I can probably find Kacchan alot easier with your help."

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