Chapter Twenty-six 🩸

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Izuku is tossed across the floor of an empty room like a ragdoll by a large vampire under Monoma's control.

The greenett hisses in pain as he hits the wall harshly with a thud.

The blue eyed vampire is right behind them slamming and locking the door.

He crosses the room quickly placing a kick to Izuku's side making him yelp and whimper at the pain now throbbing against his ribcage.

" You have some nerve speaking to me the way you did! Acting like that brute you mated with is some kind of king or God ! Katsuki Bakugo is nothing you little rat, nothing but a famers son with a bad mouth and no god damn manners ! He's nothing you understand?!"

Izuku holds his side, leaning back against the wall.

Jade eyes are dark with pain and anger. But if he's going to die anyway, he's going out pissing off this idiot and defending his love.

He smirks through his pain. One his mate would be proud of.

" You're right, he's EVERYTHING, everything you'll never be, strong, powerful, good looking, amazing. I could go on but you get the point" , the greenett sasses back.

Blue eyes glow as he lefts Izuku holding him against the wall, blue color deepening as the greenett gasp and whimpers at the waves of pain hitting his bones.

" Oh you little rodent, I'm going to have fun killing you slowly, since your amazing mate is helpless to stop it"

But the blue eyed vampire is unaware that there is rage induced blonde vampire working his way to find his mate in the large estate, and he's in no mood to be toyed with.

Katsuki is fully vamped out. His eyes are burning with nothing but fire, the red glow hardly visible.

His large white fangs are fully elongated and on display, deadly venom dripping from them.

The veins in his neck and well built arms are popping to the surface. Anger pulsing with every ragged breath he takes.

He moves down a long corridor with heavy strides, burning eyes straight ahead.

His breaths coming out at growls with every heavy footed step.

He's more angry then he has ever been in his life, this one or the one before.

He stops , growling at the deep sharp pain he feels slam against his ribs countless times, crimson eyes catch deeper flame as tears flood them because he knows his mate is getting attacked.

" Ahhh fuck. God dammit, hold on little one, I'm coming"

His breath picks up as he moves swiftly suddenly one of Monoma's thugs step out of another room and face to face with a hellish vampire.

Before the other male can react Katsuki slams him onto the wall hearing it crack and crumble.

" Where the fuck is my mate?! You have seconds to tell me you fuck", the blonde growls.

The other vampire struggles to breath under the super human strength being used to hold him to the wall by the throat.

There's fear in his eyes as he looks into burning hell fire, he caves in quickly.

" He's... he's... he's on an upper level, 8th door"

There's a smirk and eyes that burn brighter, so bright and hot that the vampire in his hold suddenly begins to catch fire.

The thugs screams in horror as he combust right on the spot.

" Thanks you fuck", Katsuki snarls as he drops the male screaming fully engulfed in his flames.

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