Chapter Twenty-nine 🩸

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Katsuki stands looking out the large window in his bedroom hands tucked into the black sweats he has on.

Crimson eyes glance over the courtyard, the cold February evening setting in.

His mind and heart are heavy with the task he's getting ready to perform, one that will break what heart he has left.

He sighs heavily, but his thoughts are suddenly broken by two warm arms that wrap around him from behind, his mates cheek resting against his back as Izuku hugs him tightly.

He smiles slightly eyes shifting down to the arms locked around him, he places his hand on the greenett's forearm giving it a sqeeze as his mate speaks into his broad back.

" You ok Kacchan?"

Katsuki turns to face his husband, now wrapping strong arms around him pulling him in tightly.

There's a silence that falls over them while the blonde takes in his mates soft beautiful eyes.

He reaches up moving a wavy green lock from the most gorgeous gem like eyes he's ever seen in all his years.

Izuku meets his steady gaze seeing the strees in crimson eyes.

Soft fingers reach up and trace a strong jaw.

The blonde closes his eyes leaning into the gentle touches.

" Kacchan?"

Crimson eyes open slowly.

He takes a long deep breath while he laces the greenetts fingers in his own and leads him quietly to their bed.

He climbs into the center patting the spot between his legs.

Izuku doesn't hesitate to follow his mate settling back into his arms. His back resting on the blondes chest.

Katsuki wraps him up tightly inhaling the scent of mint.

Even tho the blonde hasn't spoken a word Izuku knows why. He let's his mate stay quiet feeling the heaviness coming off his husband who he knows is having a rough time with this.

Dark crimson eyes shift to the fire place that's on the wall at the foot of the large bed.

Flames brust into crimson eyes and fire jumps to life at the blondes command, blazing and cracking with warmth.

Izuku watches as the flames bend and shift. The words I love you taking shape in a firey blaze.

He smiles reaching back stroking a strong cheek.

" I love you too Kacchan. So much. I know you're worried, but.. but it'll be ok."

The blonde pulls him closer. Burying his face into the warmth of his mates neck. He soaks it in one last time.

" You're so warm. I'm going to miss that so damn much" , he mumbles into fair skin.

Izuku pats his arm, sliding his hand up a built forearm.

" I can keep you warm in other ways", he says softly with a tease in his voice making Katsuki chuckle and growl.

" I'll keep that in mind"

Katsuki pulls his head up, kissing a fair cheek.

He runs his thumb over the greenetts neck, a storm swirling inside his chest.

He breathes deeply, crimson eyes begin to go glassy at the pain he's getting ready to inflict.

He leans down, his mouth next to his mates ear as he whispers softly to him.

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