Chapter Three 🩸

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Izuku stood at the counter of a now nearly empty coffee shop staring out at the sidewalk watching people move along going on about their lives.

Iridescent jade eyes looked up at the clock seeing it was almost ten pm, almost closing.

His eyes landed down on a sketch book he had open, a rough sketch of Katsuki on the open page that he had absentmindly scribbled down.

It had been four days since the greenett had run into the mysterious stranger in the park, the one that he had playfully named Kacchan the one that he had been dying to see again ever since.

Suddenly there was a voice beside him, one of his bestfriend who had been in the shop drinking coffee.

" Yo Mido, you ok in there?", Denki asked snapping his fingers in front of his friends face with a snicker.

Izuku snapped his attention his friend with a smile and sigh.

" Yeah, I'm good"

Denki looked down at the sketch with a soft smile.

" Mido, you been all dreamy over this dude since you told me about him. Why didn't you get his number bro?"

Izuku meets his friends yellow eyes.

" Ugh I dunnnnnooooo, I wasn't even thinking! And I don't know what my deal is, I can't stop thinking about him and he was kinda a jerk at first, but man, I really do wanna see him again" , the greenett whined

Denki laughed.

" OK, Well let's see. You ment him at the park right? Have you been back there since that night?" , he questioned.

" Well yeah, I run there everyday, and I haven't seen him, trust me I look every time", the greenett confessed.

Denki nodded taking a sip from his coffee as he looked outside thinking, an idea hit him as he looked out at the darkness.

" Yeah, but have you been at night? You ran into him at night, maybe that's when he goes and that's why you haven't seen him, try going around the same time", Denki said with a shrug his eyes back on his friend.

Izuku met his friends eyes then shifted them to the outside with a raised brow as he thought about it.

" Ya think?"

Denki shrugged again.

" I dunno, worth a try tho right?"

Izuku gave a smile, it was definitely worth a try, one he would test out tonight.

Meanwhile unbeknownst to a certain greenett. A blonde vampire had been thinking just as much about vivid jade eyes.

Katsuki had thought about showing up at Izuku's apartment building several times to see if he could run into him ' accidently', but changed his mind not wanting to seem like a damn stalker.

He rolls his eyes at himself as he sits perched on his normal seat at the park, the top of the fountain.

' You're a monster you idiot, and you're fucking worried about coming off like a stalker, that's the least of your problems '

He's lost in thought as he looks up into the cool night sky, when his thoughts are interrupted by two other vampires.

" Bakubro! What's up bro?", Kirishima asked hopping up taking a seat beside the blonde while Shino does the same.

The blonde growls in immediate irritation at the interpretation of thought.

" What are you two extras doing here?! It's not fucking enough that you both drive me crazy at home?!"

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