Chapter 4

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"So you mean to tell me that the girl that you spoke to me about on the phone the other day was Messi's little sister" Sergio laughed at the almost impossible becoming a possibility.

"I didn't even know he had a sister" he was beyond frustrated as he repeatedly ran his hand through his curly hair which reminded him that he needed a haircut soon.

"Dude the entire world knows that he has two sisters, just one happens to be hot and play football" Sergio answered innocently but was shoved by Cristiano.

"Dude not cool" he didn't in the slightest bit find it funny how he had to add in the hot part.

"Sorry but can you blame me even James would agree with me on that" right as he said that the Colombian joined in on the conversation.

"What would I agree on" he asked.

"That Catalina Messi is hot" Sergio said bluntly causing the Colombian to blush.

"Well I would use the term gorgeous but yeah" his blush only got darker and his smile wider.

"Does Jammy have a little crush" Sergio teased.

"N-no" he stuttered on his reply.

"Who does little Jammy have a crush on" Marcelo asked as he walked in right as the words played out.

"No one" Cristiano and James said in sync while Sergio had another answer.

"Catalina Itzel Messi" Sergio responded easily as if it wasn't a big deal that they were speaking about the enemy's little sister.

"Wasn't she the one you asked me to get the number from" Marcelo stated as he recalled the Colombian asking a favor from him.

"Celo you promised not to tell" the midfielder turned even redder if possible while the defender shot him an apologetic look.

"Wait how would you know to get her number" Cristiano pointed out after analyzing his previous words.

"Well I'm friends with Neymar and she's practically his best friend, they're like twins and at times it's scary. Every time he has a party she's there and naturally we speak every once in awhile" he answered and it reminded him that he was invited to their fellow national teammate Dani Alves's surprise birthday party hosted by Neymar which was bound to have the Argentinian.

"You speak to her" all three of them yelled in sync causing Marcelo to shush them to quite down.

"Yes so what she's a cool person to talk with" he defended the girl who despite not knowing that well, he knew enough about her to say she was a good person.

"They let YOU a Madrista speak with her" Cristiano emphasized the 'you' part to show how big of a deal it actually was.

"Well at first some of the guys were hesitant on it like Gerard, Lionel, or Dani would drag her away whenever I was around, but after a while they just got use to me being around" he remembered the first time he even tried to introduce himself to her.

Dani practically picked her up over his shoulder and took her to sit on the couch next to her brother while sending him warning glances. The boys around him later caught on to his looks and joined in as well while Neymar remained oblivious in the center of it until Marcelo questioned him on the whole matter. He basically told him that's how they usually acted with new people around Catalina as she was practically there baby sister and was treated like a baby by them all. He went into detail on how they just wanted her to be safe after she announced that she was Messi sister so she didn't get hurt or used.

"Anyways why are you even discussing Lina" the boys around him sent him weird looks at the nicknames

"Well 'Lina' had a photo shoot with our dear Cristiano" Sese stated as he patted the strikers shoulder.

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