Chapter 59

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The next day Lina and Ney woke up bright and early. They were to meet Carlos at the track again so they could meet more fellow racers the day before the race. If possible the place seemed to even be twice as crowded and thousands of cameras swarmed them. Luckily they pushed passed the crowd where Carlos started his tour.

"Well here we have the McLaren garage" Carlos said as he stopped at at each garage to be met with a smiling Lando.

"Kid don't even start" Carlos exclaimed as he saw the face his friend was making.

"I wasn't" Lando protested his accent slipping through his kid like smile.

"So this is the famous Lando" Lina played along to their game.

"OMG you know my name" his inner fanboy was coming out.

"Of course I do, aren't you the cutest little thing" she just wanted to pinch his cheeks.

"Alright that's enough" Carlos swatted her hand as her invasive thoughts filled her actions.

"Sorry" pouting at being stopped she looked to Neymar who had his eyes wide on someone.

"What is it Ney" usually her friend would engage in her banter with others.

"Don't look" he practically broke her neck to look at him leaving his hands on her head.

"Why" she tried to crane her neck to the side but ultimately couldn't.

"Guys I want you to meet our McLaren guest for tomorrows race" a voice with what Catalina guessed was an Australian accent said.

"Daniel man good to see you, actually nows a good time you can meet my guests—Ferrari's guests I guess you could say" turning Carlos face turned a lifeless shade of white at who stood in front of him.

"Guys if you didn't know who this is which I would be quite shocked if you didn't, is Cristiano Ronaldo" and at those words Lina paled alongside her Spaniard friend.

Turning her head as Neymar finally freed her from his trap she was met with those gorgeous brown eyes who left hers utterly lifeless. He had that stupid smirk, the one she once found attractive on his face and the look in his eyes held something she long thought was forgotten. Neymar sensing the awkward atmosphere stepped in front of her to bloke his sight from his sister. It was almost like a stand off between the two men before Daniel broke it off.

"OMG your Catalina Messi" Daniel just like his teammate had a fan girl moment.

"Nice to meet you–" she trailed off not knowing his name at the moment still in shock from the previous minutes.

"Daniel Ricciardo" the fellow McLaren driver properly introduced himself.

"I knew that sorry my mind just wasn't with me" shaking his hand he held it for a moment longer then needed as Carlos, Neymar, and Cristiano all cleared their throat making the racer immediately drop her hand.

"Well anyways guys just thought you would like to meet my guest but it seems like you have your hands full with your own" Daniel awkwardly announced as the atmosphere was once again tense.

"Yeah I was just giving them a tour of the garages they already met Lewis, Mick, and next on the list was Max and Sergio" Carlos tried to get Catalina out of there as fast as possible knowing the situation between the two lovers—ex's? Since they were weren't on the best terms he didn't know what to call them.

"Why don't we take a break from touring and have a snack or something" Neymar also sensed what Carlos was trying to get at and tried to help in getting away from the McLaren garage.

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