Chapter 30

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"So that's why you and the boys aren't talking" asked her big brother with a thoughtful face.

I mean how else was he suppose to appear when his little sister came knocking at his door in the early morning, puffy eyed. The whole story of what she explained that went down last night was hot mess. He couldn't even pick a side if he wanted to because he could see both point of views and couldn't blame each party. His little sister who he held dearest to his heart was growing and he knew she wanted her own freedom to do what she wants, but the boys wouldn't allow that. He was barley getting on board with it himself so how could he hate them for doing what he's always done and said to do.

"Yeah and there being complete jerks" snuggling into Matteo who just woke she used him as a source of comfort.

"We'll not entirely" Leo said which earned him a flat look from his sister and an amused one from his son who found entertainment in their banter.

"Leo you can't be on their side I'm your sister" giving him her best pouty eyes she tried to appease in his sense of guilt.

"I know that and I love you but you can't expect them to be on board with you befriending the enemy. Even if I came to terms with it doesn't mean I like it and same can be said to the boys. But I also see your point of stance so you had every right to act the way you did" by the estimate of their argument they wouldn't be hanging together as a group for a while unless someone was the bigger person.

"So what do you think I should do" as much as she liked to appear confident she always turned to a little girl asking advice from her big brother when it came down to it. What could she say he was her safe space.

"Well I think you guys need some time apart for a little because sometimes you and Geri are hot heads and say irrational stuff. Once you guys get that out of your system I recommend you to try and make amends with them all. We're a family and we need to be united even if we don't like something" honestly the situation could go both ways, but the boys tended to be a little entitled at times.

"I'll think about hashing it out, but until then I will not be making any surprise visits to any upcoming games or practices. They need to learn that how they acted was not okay and if I forgive them easily then they'll still think they can control me" Neymar was the only exception to the whole ordeal but they could always hang separately

"That's fine now how about you tell me how my so called enemy treated you while he was...visiting" yeah that was going to take some time to get use to.



After leaving her brothers house after a few more minutes of chatting she had to rush home to get ready for practice which she was dreading. No as much as she knew the woman on her team she also know that some of them happened to be gossips. So it was no surprise to her when she was putting her boots on in the locker room that there was some small whispers and she could hear her name being thrown around.

The more experience and older players on the team ignored these rumor and instead focused on training. The young ones still had some things to learn as it wasn't wise to talk about your captain nor your teammates in an unruly manner. She quickly made her exit after the practice ended only staying to talk with her coach to update on her physical therapy and how she was doing. Ignoring the reporters outside she quickly hoped into her Mercedes and sped away to her office where she had some designing to do. She planned to have a summer collection come out and wanted to host a run way show Madrid as it was the capital and attracted a lot of attention especially from tourist.

Unlike what happened at the training grounds everyone at the office was professional and ignored rumors preferring to focus on sewing and designing. It probably helped that here she controlled everyone jobs and finances so no matter how friendly they were it still lingered in the air that she could make or breaks their career. Not that she would over some small gossip but preferably she liked there to be peace and tranquillity.

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