Chapter 33

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Unfortunately as all things do the trip came to an end. Catalina was needed back home in Barcelona or she would for sure be facing the wrath of not only her angry teammates but the fans as well. Two games within a week weren't uncommon but it just meant better time management and stricter health protocols after all no one wants a game with tired players.

It was a good thing the couple wouldn't be separated for long as there was a clásico coming up in between her schedule. Cristiano even promised to attend her second game as he would still be in Barcelona. She was hoping that with in his time here he could have bonding time with Leo. After all eventually they would have to get along for her sake so why not start the process early. The only downside of this was that poor Junior would have to stay here with Dolores as Cristiano didn't think he was old enough to attend a Clásico game with all the violence or at least not till he was a bit older.

"But I don't want you to leave Lina" Junior clung to her the minute she came downstairs with her luggage.

"I don't want to leave either but I have to" running her hands through his unruly curly hair she watched as tears came to his eyes.

"Will you at least come back" he begged all the while his father stood blanked out leaning against the kitchen wall.

"Of course I will and you can even come visit me if you want to. I'm sure Pluto and Cosmo miss you" it did break her heart seeing him so disoriented but she couldn't give into his wishes no matter how much she wanted to.

"Junior É hora de ela ir. Vem cá" Cristiano tried to help her out considering the boys wasn't letting up.

"I love you Lina" giving her one last hug he buried his head into her stomach trying to hide from the world.

"I love you too Junior" the words slipped through her mouth before she even thought about saying them leaving a happy Junior and an even happier Cristiano.

"What I don't get an I love you" Cris joked trying to break the awkward atmosphere that was starting to form.


"You know you can stay a bit longer" Cristiano tried to persuade her into staying a bit longer since they left the house but to no anvil.

"I really can't" she was sure if she wasn't one of the favorites within her team she would've been sold already.

Luckily her family reputation proceeded her and she was easily left off the hook with things she shouldn't have. Obviously she tried not to abuse it as it was unfair to other teammates but still it did come in handy. Unfortunately the favoritism has to end somewhere and she was mandated to be there before tomorrow morning where training was necessary. It made since as they had a game the day after the clásico which she was sure to attend.

"I hope you know I'm already counting down the days until I see you again" pulling her into a hug he held her as if she was his life line.

"Me too" pulling out of the hug she reached up to give him a quick kiss but he had other plans.

The kiss lasted what felt like 5 minutes to Catalina but in reality it was about a minute maybe more as they only broke up to get air. The only reason it did come to an end was because she knew the flight crew was inside her jet probably waiting for her and the security helping with the luggage was watching, waiting for the last bag. When the kiss finally did end she was thankful that the security had turned around to give them some privacy.

"I love you" he whispered softly into her ear giving her a chaste kiss on the forehead then the nose. Knowing she wasn't comfortable with saying it yet he wasn't hurt by her side head tilt with adoring eyes as a response.

Tugging Heartstrings | Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now