Chapter 21

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"Are you sure that it doesn't hurt" stressed one of her teams doctors as he repeatedly try to hand her a bag of ice and sit her down.

"I'm positive it was just a misstep at best" handing him back the bag she locked eyes with her worried coach.

"It's fine" she reassured once more before taking her seat on bench next to her friends.

She didn't see the big fuss about the barley minor injury. During her game which just so happens to still be going, one of the girls on the opposing team stepped on her ankle when she landed wrong. For Lina it wasn't that big of a deal, but that clearly wasn't the case for her coach and medical staff who all stressed the importance of the girls health. In some ways she understood as she was one of the stars on the team and was always on the main lineup which made since they worried about her missing out.

"I'll take your word for it, but Thursday you'll be doing an extra hour of physical therapy" groaning into her hands at being babied she reluctantly agrees to the terms.

"Fine" averting her eyes back to the match she watched the game commence once more with only 5 minutes remaining.

So far the game was going pretty good for her until the slight injury. She managed to score a hat trick within the first half and a header in the other. Her team was currently winning 3-1 so there wasn't much for her to be concerned about, besides her brothers intense stares as he and a couple other of their friends came to watch her game. Since commenting under his rivals post she failed to answer his messages or calls and several of her other brothers, as they were all upset or angry. Eventually she couldn't avoid them anymore more which explained their attendance today.

When the game finally ended she went to go shake hands with the other team before making her way back to the locker room to change.


Stepping out the door she didn't even get two steps in before she was yanked into a hug. At first she thought it was a random person so her instincts kicked in and she jabbed them in the stomach with her elbows giving her some distance. She was going to continue her assault until she heard the familiar voice groan out in pain.

"Why" an awfully high pitched males voice yelped.

"Oh my god Ney are you okay? I didn't know it was you" feeling bad she went to go check on him as the rest of their friends just stood and watched it happen with a stupid smile on their face.

"I'm fine just caught me by surprise that's all" trying to put on the tough guys act he went to hug her with one arm as one attended to his hurt stomach.

"Congrats on the hat trick" he said into her curly hair as it was wild after her shower.

"Thanks" returning the hug she looked over his shoulder as her brother Leo watched on with concerning looks.

"How's the foot" he asked once he picked up on her looks.

"It's fine just bruised" that was the Leo she knew and loved. No matter how angry he was still protective over her.

"And what about your thigh" Geri quickly threw in as he noticed a big purple mark on her now exposed skin that was once covered by her shorts. She internally cursed herself for wearing the fashionable outfit outside

 She internally cursed herself for wearing the fashionable outfit outside

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