Chapter 26

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"Pai can I get in the water" Junior was clad in his swim trunks that his dad packed him and was already bored of building his third sandcastle with Lina.

"But we haven't finished our summer castle" sitting on the sand with her bucket hat as protection from the feverish sun was Catalina as her and Junior were building a castle for every season in the year.

"We can finish later but can we go in the water I'm hot" going to run into the water he was stopped by his father yelling at him.

"NO WATER! I didn't pack your life vest and I'm busy cooking to go in with you. Just wait a little please" his sons security was number one in his life even if that meant seeing him upset sometimes.

"But Pai that will take forever" pouting he sat in the sand grumpily.

"That's fine Cris let me just change and I'll take him in. If that okay with you?" she originally offered to grill for him but he insisted on doing so. Instead of being lazy she opted to make a fresh salad and some Spanish rice on the side. Now seeing as she deprived the boy of his father she wanted to help as she couldn't resist Juniors sad eyes.

"That's fine just be careful with him he likes to splash around a lot" getting the green light from him she went inside to get a bathing suit.

"That's fine just be careful with him he likes to splash around a lot" getting the green light from him she went inside to get a bathing suit

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Cristiano always knew he was a gentleman...well at least he tried to be, but when Catalina came down looking like that he couldn't help but ogle her. Catalina was a beautiful women anyone could tell and now she was a beautiful women in a swimsuit and that meant minimal clothing. It didn't mean it was a open invitation for everyone to stare but god she looked amazing in a basic black two piece. He suddenly regretted grilling as he watched the two of them splash around, but then again it made his heart warm at getting to see them bond.

"Ready to go under. Don't forget to plug your nose" pinching her nose with her fingers she reminded him so he wouldn't get water in their.

"Like this" his voice sounded a little funny as he demonstrated it back to her which received a laugh from the both of them.

"Yeah just like that. Ready...go" Junior's little legs were wrapped around her waist as her arms circled him to go under together.

"Your hair" Junior screeched when they surfaced as her once straightened hair was now an unruly mess.

"I know it went curly again" more than usual she straightened her hair but that was because she was too lazy at night sometimes to put the proper treatment.

"It's just like mine and país" combing his hand through his hair he treated the same process with Lina's.

"Yup" shaking her head like a dog when their hair is wet Junior copied her actions.

"Foods ready"

Getting out of the water she helped Junior into his towel where she wrapped him like a burrito and carried him into his chair. Thankfully they were eating outside or the sand would've been a mess to clean from inside. Once Junior was tucked in she wrapped herself into a towel that Cris had open for her to grab.

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