Chapter 43

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"Your crazy" Marcelo exclaimed to Cristiano.

"Yeah and I thought I was the crazy one in the group" Sergio joked but was shot down at his attempts of humor as the boys gave him a dead glare.

"What's wrong with my idea it's the most straightforward one" why not just rip the bandaid off instead of trying to nurse the other men.

"Cris, baby, I love you but that's got to be one of the worst ideas" yeah her boyfriend was a little bit bolder then most people but she loved him for it.

"Yeah you want to have a sit down talk with the Barca players...the guys that despise you and us for basically all their life" it wasn't that it was a bad idea but possibly the worst one.

"Well yeah that's the only way this issue is going to resolve if we just talk are feelings out" more like yelling but who was he to judge.

"I don't think that going to go how you have it planned" Lina thought there would be some harsh words maybe an attempt to fight but for sure multiple disagreements were sure to arise.

"Plus when would you have this meeting we are all booked these following weeks and I'm pretty sure Lina's birthdays in like 2 weeks" if he remembered her birthday was in August and that was right around the corner.

"Then we better do it today" no better time then the present.

"Alright he's officially lost it" Marcelo went to check his temperature and make sure he was alright.

"No I haven't but why delay the inevitable" he wasn't going to get the Barca boys to like him in 2 weeks and he in return wasn't going to do the same but for Lina they would have to compromise.

"Oh were definitely staying now" forget his plane tickets home Sergio would just ride home in Cris's private jet...of course for safety reasons only.

"Then that's settles it. Catalina you just have to invite them over so we can talk" maybe it was best that they called security back.


"So did we all get that text from Catalina" Neymar asked as they were all invited to Geri's house.

"No shit dumbass it's a group chat" Geri bit back already irritated with the whole situation.

"Calm down" Leo said seeing as there was no reason for them to take their anger out on one another.

"Sorry Ney just agitated" it wasn't right for him to take his anger out on poor Neymar.

"It's all good but what do you guys think should we go" the message basically read that Lina wanted to invite them over to hash out things but the downside was that some of the Madrid boys would be there.

"I say we do" Dani voted wanting to go back on being on good terms with Catalina even if it meant a compromise with those assholes.

"I say we wait for them to leave then talk with Lina personally" Mascherano put in his opinion seeing as he didn't like the fact that the girl he sees as his little sister was with their rivals.

"Or we can just get it over with there's what 3 of them and like 6 of us" Luis commented seeing as they were outnumbered so if anything was to go on they would be fine.

"Wrong I already talked with Ronaldo and Neymar basically got them together" there was no point on hiding it now as they would figure it out sooner or later.

"You guys what" Geri all but screeched sending a murderous glance to Neymar.

"Hey I didn't know it was him at the time I just thought she found a random guy that she liked. If anything Leo actually sat down with the guy and talked" Neymar was not going to be the one to put the blame on after everything.

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