Chapter 35

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"Your actually here" stated Neymar in shock as he stood mouth agape at the women before him.

"Why wouldn't I be" Catalina might have been on the outs with some– scratch that the majority of players but still she already bought tickets.

"Well you know" he was sure that her presence would brighten some of his teammates moods as they had been grouchy these past days with her missing out on practice.

"Seeing as I bought tickets a while back ago I don't see why they should go to waste" she sat in the same exact seat at everyone one of there games.

Lina had this theory that every game should be enjoyed as a fan because that's exactly what she was. Granted she played for the club but her love started solely as a wish to play which then later became a reality. So never being able to afford tickets growing up she had the same exact seat bought for every game not clashing with her schedule. For these past two games that seat has remained empty but today it would be filled. Leo always has and will continue to offer his family booth above where Antonella sits but she enjoyed sitting below more.

During half time is when she would either head to the locker rooms to go poke fun at the boys or go up to chat with Antonella and some of the WAG's. The only hassle was with the security which was the only time to open with her arrangement. The club's management team and hers only allowed her to sit below with the assistance of security guards. So while fans begged her to sign stuff it wasn't allowed but occasionally she would sneak away and sign some stuff or run away like a kid with her guards on a wild chase.

"Cool so you wouldn't mind hanging with the team for a sec before we're forced to warm up" pushing it was an understatement for what he was doing.

"You know I won't do that" granted she was friends with the whole team but she wouldn't feel comfortable hanging with them while being on the outs with the others. It would just provide an tense atmosphere that just wasn't needed especially before the big game.

"Well are you going to see Ronaldo and wish him luck because later on it's going to be a little awkward to do" she knows Ney was speaking of the time when their in the tunnel getting ready to start the game and head to the pitch.

"No we're still not talking– I'm still not talking to him" she clarified herself as she didn't want Neymar to think it was Cris's fault. She also thought it would be better if they didn't reopen the subject so he wouldn't get distracted from his game.

"Maybe after the game would be the best time to do it—well maybe not since we're about to destroy them and he might be mad" the smirk had yet to leave his face when he first uttered those words.

"Haha I'm just here to enjoy the game whatever happens, happens but Forca Barca no matter what" winking she made her way past him and was wondering the halls until she bumped into a hard chest one that wasn't familiar.

"I'm sorry I didn't see you there" a Spanish accent said and looking up she was met with brown eyes staring back at her slightly hazel ones.

"Your fine I was distracted too" smiling to ease his worry the smile in return was equally blinding.

"Marco Asensio" holding his hands out for her to formally meet him she shook it.

"Catalina Messi nice to meet you" his eyebrows rose to his hairline at her last name.

"By chance you wouldn't happen to be Lionel Messi's little sister" if she had a dollar for every time someone asked her that she would probably have enough to buy her another sports car.

"Yeah that's my big brother" she always joked that her brother could sense when she talked about him.

"Respectfully you guys don't look anything alike" also another one she's heard one too many times.

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