Chapter 73

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"That bitch" Lina grunted out as she was once again fouled only for the other play to receive a warning.

"Sorry" that stupid voice, Lina could recognize it anywhere, Alex.

"Sure you are" she muttered sarcastically back before walking back to her position.

"Just ignore her" Ana said to her captain rubbing her back to ease off some tension.

"I'll try" that was bound to bite her in the ass later.

The game for the better half was looking better then the first half for them, they had more shot on goals and even almost made a corner but it was saved. Everyone could see the girls were getting desperate as the fouls started to get a bit more obvious and less hidden. Catalina while not completely proud to admit had made some nasty calls as well but it was all for the great of good of her country. Which is why it was absolutely devastating when the other team got called to take a penalty. Quickly the team was there to argue against it and even some fans threw bottles in outrage. Lina discreetly looked to where her family stood and there was a bunch of mad faces and a upset Junior who looked to be chewing his dad's ear off.

"Come on ref it was clean" it was in fact not a clean slide tackle but who was Lina to judge her defense.

"You and I both know that not true" the ref laughed her off and turned his focus to mark the line.

Lina knew there was no point in arguing anymore as he blocked out all the rest of her 9 teammates who stood against him. Turning to the bigger picture she focused on her goalie who stood nervous in her goalie box. She knew this would be a big factor on if they went through or not and the last thing she needed was a nervous goalie. A nervous goalie was a dead person standing in the box and that simply wouldn't do.

"Hey you got this don't worry about it" grabbing her face in her hands Lina put all of her goalies attention on her.

"If I screw this up we're done, you know what maybe coach should make the sub" Vanina made motion for their coach but Cata quickly smacked her hand down.

"No! You have earned this starting position you hear me, your a great goalie or they wouldn't have called you up. So I need you to put this confident face on or else we're really dead because I'm not going to lie, Alex is an excellent penalty taker, but guess what? Your better, if there was any goal keeper standing in this box I'm glad it's you" she knew how important self validation was and wasn't one to deny her teammates skill assist when it came to this particular challenge.

"I got this" Vanina confirmed back.

"Yes you do" Lina giving her a kiss on the check went to stand her position on the line.

Standing still all she could do is send a prayer to god, that if he really was real this would go in their favor. It was her last resort as she watched Alex set the ball to her liking and judging by her posture Lina knew exactly where it was going.

"Upper left" she mumbled to herself as if some way Vanina could hear her.

And as the whistle blew Lina took in one deep breath holding Ana's hand to ease the nerves before the shot was taken. It all played in slow motion for her watching as Vanina jumped to upper left corner and blocked the ball. Quickly running towards her Lina didn't hesitate to jump and attack her.

"See I knew you could do it" she practically strangled her to death with how tight she was holding her.

"Alright, alright everyone off we got a final to go to" Vanina announced to everyone dog piling her.

"I love you" Lina said one last time before kissing her on the head.

"Don't let lover boy hear that" she directed her head to Cristiano who stood above on the stands starting down on them with a smile.

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