Chapter 45

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"So are we all good here" Lina asked when she came back into the space the boys now occupied.

"Just fine" Neymar said for them seeing as each group sat grumpily not saying a word to one another.

"Great so if we're all on board let's brain storm some party ideas because I have about a month to plan everything and my parties are always one for the year" if she was going to have a party she was going to go big.


"No" Geri shot down the idea.

"Why not it's perfect" complained Sergio.

"It's ugly too much white" minus the fact that an all white party was an overused theme Geri still wasn't going to like it just cause Sergio recommend it.

"It's an all white party idiota of course it's going to be too white" this was about the third idea that Geri hasn't agreed on and Sergio has had it to his max temper to keep it cool.

"Alright then you suggest something" Sergio shot back irritated.

"Welll—how about...old Hollywood " Gerard panicked and said the first thing that he thought of and that just so happen to be the red lipstick Catalina had laying on her table.

"Old Hollywood like LA?" Marcelo laughed but coughed into elbow to hide it.

"What he means by that is—all the grand decorations and like Marily Monroe and that stuff" Dani came into save him not wanting to face further embarrassment from the Madrid boys.

"Yeah you know diamonds, pearls, and all that jazz" Javi backed him up.

"That's actually a shit idea—" Sergio shot down.

"That a great idea" Catalina said at the same time.

"It is a great idea isn't it babe" Cristiano agreed wanting to keep his girl in good spirits which also made him glare down at Sergio daring him to say another word.

"Yeah and I have a perfect idea in mine for my outfit" her brain was running wild with the sketches already.

"Great now we just need to get a planner for all this or we can make the calls ourselves" Cris referred to having someone getting all the decoration arrangements ready or them doing it themselves.

"I got my usual people on speed dial let me just go get my phone" running up her stairs she quickly made a move to get her phone not wanting to leave them alone for to long.

"So are you and Catalina going to match this time" Javi ask Neymar as that was the usual tradition between the two for each other's birthday.

"Match?" Cris accidentally asked out loud not meaning to.

"Yeah it's tradition that Lina and Ney always match outfits for each other's birthday" Dani poked some fun at Cristiano seeing him clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

"We don't have to this year if it makes you uncomfortable" Ney offered to Cris not wanting to cause more problems.

"It's fine it's tradition after all" his tone implied that it was everything but fine.

"No dude seriously last time when I was with my old girl we didn't match" alright that wasn't completely true but he didn't want to make Cristiano feel bad.

"Uh yeah you did even if it was on accident" Geri said knowing exactly what he was doing.

"Yeah weren't you a pirate and so was Lina" it was ironic how they unintentionally matched even when there not suppose to.

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