Chapter 17

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"So you mean to tell me that they won the charity match because Catalina scored off an assist from RONALDO of all people" to say Luis and the rest of the boys were shocked was the understatement of the year.

"Well yeah he only assisted her because he practically blocked off Rodríguez the whole game" yeah it seemed as no one really knew what was going on with them except the Madrid boys there.

"Yeah what was up with that" now while Geri may not have been on their team he did enjoy watching all the drama go down from his side of the pitch.

"We couldn't even tell you because you could practically feel the tension roll of them two so we just ignored them and let them do whatever it was that they were doing" well Neymar could for sure tell you one thing that they were doing and that was not helping in assisting him.

"For a minute I thought we were going to have to break it up" Dani commented as he remembered James getting up in Cristiano's face about not passing to him when he was wide open and Ronaldo defended himself by saying he couldn't see him.

"Well whatever that was, it got sorted out in a matter of days because yesterday's Madrid game they played liked normal and were celebrating together" that little dance that they did together showcased their reuniting bond.

"You know anything about that situation Lina" Leo wasn't one to indulge in drama but he was more worried about what had his little sisters attention for so long as she completely ignored them for her phone which she never does.

"No" she responded not even bothering to look at them properly while answering.

"Okay what's on your phone that so interesting that you don't want to gossip with us it's practically tradition" Javi asked as he practically remained perched on her shoulder trying to see himself what was on the device but was unsuccessful as she moved faster than anticipated thus blocking his view.

"Nothing it was just something wrong with CC designs" okay maybe that was a lie as nothing was going on with Catalina Couture but she knew better than to tell them the truth at the moment.

Because how in the world was she going to explain to a locker room full of Culers that she was texting a Madridista willingly and having a good time while doing it. Ever since the night that they patched things up Cristiano and her have been texting back and forth nonstop. Every morning she would wake up and she would try to beat him to wishing one another a "good morning". It was sort of their thing to do to each other as they were both early birds and they found it to be an endearing competition.

"Sorry hermanita you just seemed a little to zoned out that I got worried" Leo admitted sheepishly as he knew she didn't like when he was overbearing with her but that was basically his job as her older brother.

"It's fine Leo I appreciate the concern" she even gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as a thank you as physical touch was always her love language especially with her family.

"Where's my kiss" Neymar teased as he jokingly patted his cheek.

"Right here" Mascherano smacked his cheek.

"Hands off my little sister" was what Neymar heard in return from the 5 CP "Catalina Police" or at least that's what he referred to them as. Luis, Leo, Geri, Javi, and Dani made up the deadly group as they took Catalina being there little sister a little bit more extreme then the rest of the group. Of course Neymar and Catalina were close but he like to be the more "fun" brother and encouraged her behavior.

"So Lina about that party" and from those words you can hear a groan of different responses mostly annoyed as Neymar resurfaced the idea.


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