Chapter 75

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"Do you think we're going to get married and have more kids someday" Cristiano asked out of nowhere as Catalina was trying to get sleep.

Unfortunately for her coach or rather fortunately for her she was able to sneak out her hotel and stay in Cristiano's suite. Her roommate promised to cover for her as long as she was back in time for the team breakfast where they got the proper nutrition needed for their training later on that day. Of course Catalina sacrificed a bit of sleep for this but she would gladly do it again to see the smiles on her boys face.

"Cris I love you, but it's 11 o'clock go to sleep" turning over she tried to cuddle him to stop his impulsive nightly thinking.

"But do you? I think will get married in Italy or Spain with a big beautiful wedding and have two girls and another boy" he smiled at the thought of it.

"Yes querido lots of kids and a grand wedding" she mumbled tiredly, still asleep as she pressed her face into his neck trying to steal his warmth.

"No how much kids do you think we're going to have" turning eagerly to her, he caressed her face as to keep her slightly awake.

"Fine maybe another boy and a girl" giving up on the idea of sleep she turned to him, looking at him now with wide awake eyes.

"Just two" groaning he received a mean glare form her.

"Your not going to be the one carrying them for 9 months and then, them tearing through you" it was easy for him to want a whole football family when he wasn't the one putting his career on pause and sacrificing his body.

"Two mores perfect" he agreed not wanting to upset her.

"Great now go to sleep" hitting him with the pillow besides him she turned away and gave him, her back.

"Wait one more thing" cuddling up into her now he whispered as to not irritate her further which already failed as she just wanted sleep, this discussion could wait for the morning.

"Yes" this time around her eyes remained closed while her mouth did not.

"Italy or Spain" he asked.

"Greece would be nice" the country always appealed to her for some reason.

"Why" trying to keep the conversation going he was shut up by his girlfriend.

"Either cuddle me and sleep or I'll go join Junior in his room" quickly he cuddled her and tried to force his eyes shut.

"We can always 2 weddings" she whispered out with a smile trying to appease him this time around and she did as Cristiano fell asleep holding on to, two important things to him: Catalina and his future with her.


"You ready" asked Cristiano to Cristiano Jr as they were going to walk there way around the town as Lina had practice.

"Yes Pai" rushing to his father he held his hand as they made their way to the lobby.

"Why are we standing here" asked Junior as he looked around the lobby for a sign of why they were waiting there for the past 5 minutes.

"Someone's meeting us so we can go shopping" leaning down to his son he passed him his phone to play with to distract him.

Not even less then 2 minute more had passed by before the mystery person met with them. Looking up from the device Junior let out a gasp and let the phone drop to his lap. There before him stood the one and only Lionel Messi and his son that he competed with last night. Looking at his father with wide eyes all that he was offered was a smile.

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