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Hey guys so I just wanted to write this short memo to say that I won't be posting another chapter for awhile. The earliest would probably be at the beginning of next week because I'm prepping for my finals. If I'm lucky maybe late this week but I just wanted to give a quick update so you guys don't think I'm giving up on the book. In the meantime enjoy the World Cup I know I am. 

Also who is everyone rooting for in this World Cup because I know I was rooting for México until they got knocked out but I'm also a Messi fangirl so I'm happy for him. On that note can I just say I cried watching Ronaldo/Portugal getting eliminated. I know I'm not his biggest fan but I do enjoy watching him so seeing him cry made me cry too realizing this is the end to a beautiful era, after this no more WC with Messi or Ronaldo. Honestly I hope Messi does win it, it'll be a beautiful thing to see him lift the trophy to finish off his career.

Again just wanted a quick update to y'all hopefully my finals go good and I'll be in a writing mood after they're done.

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