Chapter 52

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"So what do you want" Cris asked already wanting him out of his house.

"Me? Well nothing really from you. It's more of what I can do for you to realize what an idiot you are" Leo wasn't here to apologize because at the end of the day he made his intentions clear with Ronaldo from the start.

"Did you really travel all this way just to insult me because if you did you wasted both our time" he already had to hear the insults when the versed each other and he didn't need them in the comfort of his own home.

"Yes and no. I came here to convince you to get back with my sister, not that you should need it considering my sisters way out of your league and can do so much better than you" if Cris didn't already regret his decision then maybe he wasn't the man for his sister.

"Why does everyone keep saying that" was his girl—correction, ex-girl really out of his league. I mean he was The Cristiano Ronaldo.

"Cause it's true" he may have been Cristiano Ronaldo but she was The Catalina Messi self made football player and fashion designer, loved by all.

"Forget all that why would you of all people be here telling me this" wasn't this the same man who tried everything to get them to break up.

"Because I care about my sister more than I care about our rivalry. I hope after everything you've been through with her you would feel the same" his dear sister was his lifetime best friend and he wouldn't lose her over him.

"I love your sister but we don't work. I believe you play a huge role in that correct" they were perfect when nobody knew about them but once they became public it all went down hill.

"So what you just give up? After one little mishap you just throw away your relationship for what? A petty jealous fit you have over her being with her close friend. If that's the case your a coward, you'd give up your relationship easier then you would give up a losing match" how could he claim to love his sister but he puts up more of a fight for one of his matches then he does for his love.

"You don't get it do you? This all could've been avoided if you would've just left us alone. We had no problems when we were private with everything until it became public or do you think you and your group of idiots helped us on anything" if anything he was just as fault in their failed relationship as he was.

"So your blaming this on us?!" Leo was outraged at the accusation.

"Yes" Cris said nonchalantly as he sat on his couch a good feet away from him so he wasn't tempted to just fight him.

"That's where you have it all wrong because I don't remember being the one in the actual relationship. I didn't make the commitment to be faithful and loving until I couldn't no more. It's not my relationship to fight for but if it was I wouldn't give up so easily like you" the man before him was definitely not meant for his sister if that was his attitude through the whole situation because while yes he didn't make it easier for him but he also put him to the test. One he obviously failed seeing as there now broken up.

"So what it's not your business anymore" his words cut deep but he couldn't let it show.

"You know what this was a waste of my time" Leo stood up already wanting to walk his self out.

"Congratulations Leo, it looks like in the end you won again" repeatedly this happens and Cris was tired of it.

"I hope you know that I really did hope I was wrong about you because no matter how much I disliked you with my sister, you made her happy. You actually had me rooting for you to prove me wrong, but I guess you let this win slip through your grasp like usual" a confession and a taunt he made already fed up with him.

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