Chapter 48

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"Kun" she let out an excited squeal before rushing into his awaited arms.

"I thought you couldn't make it" could be silently heard as it suddenly got very quiet.

"I couldn't miss my number one girls birthday" he laughed making eye contact with Leo who gave him a smile of encouragement.

Unbeknownst to Catalina Lionel have Cristiano a smug smiles almost as if he won. What he won was unknown to anybody but Cris as he tried his best to keep his rage inside at seeing another man hold HIS girl. I mean seriously why was he holding her like that especially when they had an audience.

"Alright great gifts everyone how about cake time" Neymar shouted catching everyone's attention using this as a perfect opportunity to get eyes off Lina.

"Did you bring Benji to Spain with you" of course she couldn't forget about her little rockstar.

"Yeah he stayed with my mother" Sergio answered still having his hands wrapped around her.

"Well–" Lina didn't get to finished as a funny looking Cristiano interrupted them.

"Hear that babe it's time for cake" as she broke free of Sergio's hold Cris was sure to bring her into one of his own quickly.

"Yeah right now, but first I want you to meet one of my favorite persons. Sergio meet Cris, Cris meet Sergio" giddily she stood by waiting for them to exchange pleasantries.



All the boys gave each other was a slight head nod of acknowledgment which left Catalina slightly deflated but this wasn't going to ruin her mood. Of course the boys knew each other but they were never friends and would never be. For Cristiano, Agüero was just another guy in the way of his and Lina's relationship but what he wasn't sure about was if he had to worry about him in a Neymar way which was a potential love rival or like a Gerard way where it was just a pain in the ass, protective brother kind of way. On the other hand Sergio has heard all about Cris from Leo personally, who said the guy was bound to be bad news but he couldn't do anything about it without upsetting his sister.

Overall they both wanted Catalina's happiness above all but had different motives of going about it, which started by getting rid of one another. Poor Cris looks like the world was against his relationship after all.


"Should we go help him out" Sergio asked a non bothered Marcelo.

"No he's a big boy he can fight this one on his own" Celo said as they both along with James watched as Cris fought for Catalina's attention.

"Karma's good isn't it?" James laughed at the whole ordeal seeing this as a way of payback.

"I guess" maybe this was karma thought Sergio but not for Cris but for all Culers as this little plan of theirs was bound to fail right in front of their eyes leaving Sergio with the glory to watch.

"Oh god there going to be worse then you and Pique" groaned Marcelo watching as two grown men fought to walk her to where her cake was being cut.

"No one can be worse than our rivalry but at least this will keep him on his toes with having to deal with both Neymar and Agüero going after his girl" Sergio wasn't a fool he could see the love clear as day on Kun's face.

"Yeah well will see how that plays out" obviously it was going to end up horrible as they two boys stood side by side, Cris blocking Sergio's path to advance to Lina.


"You brought Sergio into this" questioned Luis as he noticed his best friends smug smile.

"Why not let's see if he can handle both of them" he motioned towards where Neymar was now joining them with the cake.

"Leo have I mentioned how much I love you"  Geri joked as he took a seat at the table.

"Of course you would say that" Dani said as he also joined the table.

"Well why not I get to watch him squirm" if anything Geri loved all the chaos going around him especially as he watched Cristiano glare at Agüero who paid him no mind, unbothered.

"It's all fun and games until there's another fight" both men were strong so this would probably take a few more then just them to break up.

"No there won't be" demanded Leo as he just wanted to push Cristiano's buttons not ruin his sisters birthday. He would personally destroy anybody who made his sister sad.

"Are you sure" Dani questioned uncertain as he watched Cristiano clench his fist as Kun wrapped an arm around her as they sang all started to sing 'Happy Birthday'.

"Positive" but even Leo couldn't believe his words.


"Happy Birthday Itzel" yelled Agüero as he wrapped her in a hug after she blew out her candles

"Yeah babe Happy Birthday" shouted Cris as he basically snatched her away from him. It in return was a very awkward hug as Lina was practically tossed around like a rag doll.

"Thank you...Everyone for the well wishes" she announced as everyone watched the couple unfold before them. After she cut the first slice she walk towards her brothers table as she did take part of the Brazilian tradition of giving the piece of cake to the most important person to her.

"Aww is that for me after all I was the one who showed you the tradition" Dani joked already reaching for the cake but Lina quickly swatted his hand.

"No it's not for you but for him" which just so happened to be Leo.

"Me" Leo asked shocked thinking she would give it to Cris.

"Yes you who else" and to his surprise Cristiano even gave him a small smile which made him feel bad after the stunt he pulled.

"You deserve it Leo" winked Kun.

"Gracias Hermana" thanked Leo.

"Alright enough with that mushy stuffy and I'm not mad about getting the slice in case you cared to ask but we should really get this party going" Ney insitered.

"What do you mean" Lina thought that all surprises were out of the way with the gifts and all.

"I have one more surprise" by the expression on his face it wasn't anything good.

"What" Lina eyes practically popped out of her head as the door burst opened and there was the flamethrowers Neymar has been wanting.

"Flamethrowers really Neymar" Dani shouted worries about the safety of their guest.

"Yes there going to perform a fire show for us" so there sat a frightened Catalina as Neymar kept trying to join in on the dance but was frequently stopped by the performers.

"Where did he even get them from" Sergio asked her as he finally caught her alone.

"I don't even want to know" really where did he get these people on short notice.

"Hey Lina I'm going to head out" Kun said as he was still jet lagged from his flight.

"Alright but how long are you staying" Lina asked as Cristiano finally returned from the bathroom.

"Till the end of the week" he answered which Cris snorted angrily from irritation.

"Great" Cris let out sarcastically not at all looking forward to this long week

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