Chapter 58

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"Welcome to my country" Neymar gloated as soon as the jet landed. He could practically smell the familiar aroma of his country filling his nose with baked good and savory treats. The sun beating down on his tan skin and making him regret wearing a long sleeve.

"I've been to the country before Ney" rolling her eyes at his stupidness, she made her way to her luggage to collect the multiple bags.

"I know I just like showboating" winking at her he also made way to grab his bags before following her to the rental car.

"A Ferrari" the joke couldn't have wrote its self more.

"It was the only one available at short notice" defending herself she slipped on her sunglasses and let the engine roar. Even from the harsh sun glare she could tell Ney was giving her a look of disbelief after all she was lying. The dealership had several other luxury cars but she wanted to show Carlos her support through the whole week by all means.

"Sure" not wanting to irritate her, he agreed and connected his phone to blast a Brazilian song that they both knew by heart.

"You know for our next break we should plan a friends trip here" Lina fell in love the first time she visited Brazil and although it was enjoyable, her time there was nothing compared to being home in Argentina.

"Maybe, either here or Ibiza" there next break was only a week so they couldn't exactly go somewhere new as they wouldn't have enough time to explore it.

"Sounds good" and after dealing with some traffic they finally arrived at Neymar's Brazilian home where Davi and his mother awaited them.

"Pai" Davi shouted running to hug his father.

"Filho, como estou feliz em te ver" Neymar responded hugging his son with all his night while his mother greeted Catalina.

"Filha, é bom te ver de novo" Neymar's mother was like her second mom so for her to call her daughter was something she was use to.

"Você também, mãe" there hug was short lived as Davi rushed to hug her as well.

"Tia!" the little boy nearly knocked her over as the impact was unexpected.

"Meu bebê! How much you've grown" ruffflung his hair she watched with a fond smile as Nadine smacked Neymar's hands to get both there bags.

"Venha filha, I've made your favorite dish" locking hands with the women she followed her through the house all the while Neymar watched with a pout.

It took all of 30 minutes for Catalina to practically invade his household and be one with her room which was really a guest room reserved with her stuff in it from lastime. They had to shower, change and get dressed after sleeping throughout there 10 hour flights and were eager to slip into something more there style. After all they were need at the track soon.

"With the way you act you'd think Lina was your child not me" Neymar announced as he walked into the kitchen after showering, while his mother fussed over Catalina and his son sat in her lap showcasing his new toy.

"Filho don't be so dramatic I see you every month and call you everyday. Now my Lina I only get to see when she's not busy" tuning him out she went back to asking Catalina questions on her new collection coming out.

"I would hate to interrupt but I think it's time for Lina and I to go" after sitting and practically being ignored by his mother and son for an hour he was eager to leave. Carlos had invited both him and Catalina–well more Catalina to view his practice and they both accepted. He was practically jumping out of his seat to go out into his country again and enjoy the lively atmosphere.

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