Chapter 49

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"Do we have to go" Cris whined like a little kid much to Catalina's amusement.

"Yes Cristiano" she replied back not giving him to much attention as she was trying to put on her earrings.

"But why they don't even like me" literally it would probably be a happier time if he wasn't present.

"Because I go to your friends events therefore you return the same" equal is what they wanted their relationship to be like.

"That's different my friends actually like you and try to get along" she couldn't even say the same for her friends.

"Well now is the perfect time to get the bonding going while I'm present and there to play referee" it was a joke but most likely held the truth.

"Fine I'll go but you in return have to go with me to Madrid this weekend" he checked her schedule before hand and made sure she didn't have a game so she had no reason to deny his offer.

"What for if I may ask" she did plan on catching up on some emails but his offer already sounded more tempting.

"I was thinking you could attend one of my games and not as my teammate or enemy but as my girlfriend" while he did love playing side by side with her during the charity he figured that feeling would intensify with having her in the stands cheering him on—maybe, just maybe even with his jersey on.

"So a WAG" while she held no ill will towards the title she still felt that a player better suited her or even a common fan which she was only for Barcelona.

"Yes only if you were comfortable sitting with them. I know you are quite the friend with Marcelo's girlfriend so maybe we can start from there" he knew some of the WAG's of his teammates weren't the nicest but the majority were really nice.

"I don't know" she still felt uncertain being up there on her own.

"My mother and Junior will accompany you if you still feel uncomfortable" his mother and son always had a seat reserved for his games so one more seat next to them wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Fine I'll go" agreeing hesitantly she felt that she owed him this after all he was making an effort with her brothers who weren't the easiest to get along with.

"Don't forget I always have a spare jersey with my name on it for you" he referred back to a jersey he bought her after their fifth date as a joke which she kept at his house as there was no way she was changing her colors.

"Your pushing it" it was one thing for her to attend his game in support of him but an entirely different one to rep his jersey.

Call her overdramatic but that was the borderline rule amongst their sport. While yes some—very few might take it as a show of support and good faith between the clubs others—the vast majority seen it as a sign of a traitor. The public already had snide remarks to make about their relationships and doing that would only cause further damage to both their reputation. The leading man and women of their respective clubs, the ideal perfect image of club loyalty would all be tarnished.

"Fine let's just finish getting ready"


"What is he doing here" Leo and Geri said in sync at seeing Cris.

"I invited him" she answered not seeing the big deal.

"Well we don't want him here disturbing the peace" Leo shot back as he finally had a day off and did not want to spend it with his arch rival and his sister practically oozing love in front of him.

Tugging Heartstrings | Cristiano RonaldoWhere stories live. Discover now