Chapter 47

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Upon exiting the car Catalina was met by a dozen paparazzi outside the venue being held back by a fence that was put out in place for that exact reason. She simply just smiled at them as she and Cris posed for some picture and  even signed some lucky fans stuff who happen to be there. They tried to ignore all the questions being thrown at them but they just kept getting louder.

"Catalina are you guys dating or is this just fake news?"

"How do friends and family feel about this decision?"

"How is it like dating your #1 enemy?"

"Is this just a another fake couple publicity stunt?"

Giving the paparazzi one last smile she waved them goodbye before the doorman opened the door for them then quickly shutting out the flashing lights. As they finally reached where the party was being hosted the lights cut off quickly and a spotlight hit them slightly shocking the couple. The scene was straight out of a movie as the descended the stairs arm and arm being greeted by friends and family. Looking around she first caught eyes with her brother than Antonella who made her way towards her after giving her pleading eyes to rescue them.

"Excuse me but my sister-in-law and I have a lot to catch up on" turning towards Cris she gave him a reassuring smile as Nella lead them to her table.

"Thank you" Cris said towards the women appreciating her hospitality.

"Anything for Lina" winking at her, Nella released her arm before joining Leo at her seat besides him.

"Feliz cumpleaños hermanita" Leo said completely trying to block out the man next to her.

"Thank you hermano where are the rest of those idiots" the boys were never to far apart especially for a long time.

"Being distracted so they don't cause a scene" he titled his head to were Neymar had Dani in a interesting conversation with their international teammates as they looked at him wide eyed in concern.

"You think he's talking to them about another party" asked Nella towards them catching on to the scene.

"Flamethrowers" Leo and Lina said in sync causing them to laugh.

"And where are the boys this night with mom" there mother had just recently flown in alongside there father but they said they weren't going to attend as they were jet lagged and didn't like loud parties. She wasn't offended as her parents were getting older and no longer party like they use to.

"Yeah and dad can't wait to me him" he pointed towards where Cris awkwardly sat trying to make conversation with Neymar and Dani who just joined the table.

"You told him" she accused outraged.

"It's all over the news he figured it out the second he stepped foot in Barcelona" the tabloids everywhere were full of both their faces.

"Damn it" hopping that she could hide this scenario longer it seemed these odds weren't in her favor.

"Hey how about we greet Sergio and Celo they look like they need a little help over there" and by help he meant there was a pouting James and angry glares being thrown at them from all over the room the strongest being Geri.

"Yeah sure. I'll be back" bidding the other bye she watched as Geri left his table and joined there probably to trash talk the madridista.

"Hey guys how's it going" Cris handshakes them all before pulling a seat out for Catalina to sit before sitting in his own.

"Great amazing party we planned" Sergio answered nudging James to stop staring at Catalina.

"Yeah I don't even know how we pulled it off" answered Cris and moving his arm around the back of Catalina's chair after sensing James's stares.

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