Chapter 28: Hellfire

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Inuyasha gang, minus Kagome and Shippo, finally reached a village to rest. The village was quiet and peaceful until they noticed nothing happening especially since there are still no shards. While Inuyasha and Kikyo were spending time together, Miroku and Sango with Kirara decided to go find some food supplies while being away from them. What they were doing was avoiding Kikyo as much as possible. Anyhow, they still don't trust her and still sense the dark aura within her. She wasn't the same Kikyo from before. As they went to go buy some food in the market, Kirara felt something was bitten her when she mewed in a bit of pain as she itched her sides, which they heard her. Then they recognized a flea as Myoga.


"Hello, Sango and Miroku." Myoga greeted them. He leaped towards Sango's left shoulder as they faced each other.

"What are you doing here?" Sango asked him.

"And how are you been?" Miroku asked him.

"I came here to tell you that Kagome and Shippo are okay," Myoga told them.

They widened their eyes as they looked at each others' faces. Then they looked back at him with their serious look.

"Really? Did you find Kagome and Shippo? Where are they?" Sango asked, hoping they are safe somewhere but wanted to know where they are.

"I believe they went to a different alternate universe." He said.

"Alternate universe?" Miroku asked.

"Yes, she and Shippo are sent to a different universe because the Shikon Jewel shards are teleported to a different one, and it's up to them to find them," Myoga explained.

"Are they okay?" Sango asked. Kirara leaped onto her right shoulder while listening to what Myoga was talking about.

He nodded. "Yes, they are fine, but they know what to do now and they know how to handle their new enemies."

"New enemies? Who are they?"

"I believe what Kagome said that she rathered continued to help her new friends to defeat Goku Black and Zamasu," Myoga said.

"I see," Miroku muttered.

"Do you know where you can take us?" Sango asked him.

"Don't worry, Sango. They'll be fine. They know how to handle this. After all, she is with her new friends and they will be there to protect her and Shippo. You two don't have to worry about them."

"Are you sure? We haven't seen Kagome and Shippo from a long time ago." Miroku said.

He nodded. "Of course."

Sango looked over at Miroku and started to cry with joy. "I can't believe it! They're okay! I hope Kagome and Shippo will return to us when everything is over."

Miroku sighed in relief with a smile. "I believe so, Sango." He said, "We pray for Kagome and Shippo to return, but Myoga said they'll be okay because they're with their new friends."

"Pretty sure they're strong will." Sango said, looking above at the sky with bright stars, "But we better not tell Inuyasha about this because he'll freak out if he thinks Kagome and Shippo are in danger."

He sighed again. "I'm sure he'll get over with. I mean, they go on a new adventure with their new friends in another world. I think she long spread her wings away from Inuyasha now after almost five years of being with us. She has taken care of him long enough so it would be best for them to grow up. Perhaps being part of each others' lives. She has been good for Inuyasha who has matured and can have a good life when the jewel is gone. And who knows maybe this time Kagome will find her real true love."

Sango smiled at that. "I suppose you were right, Miroku. I suppose you're right."


Meanwhile, in Future Trunks' timeline, there laid a cabin. A cabin belonged to Goku Black and Future Zamasu. Black was standing outside on the front porch, finding his way how to defeat those fools, especially the young priestess whom he will never forget. He stared over the full when a loaded smile appeared on his face. He secretly desired Kagome. Then he began to sing a song when Future Zamasu wasn't around in the cabin.

Beata Maria,
You know I am a righteous man
Of my virtue, I am justly proud
(Et Tibi Pater)

Beata Maria,
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak, licentious crowd
(Quia peccavi nimis)

Then tell me, Maria,
Why I do see her dancing there
Why her smoldering eyes still scorch my soul

I feel her
I see her
The sun caught in her raven hair
Is blazing in me out of all control
(Verbo et opera

Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to...

It's not my fault
(Mea culpa)

I'm not to blame.
(Mea culpa)

It was the priestess girl, the witch who set this flame
(Mea maxima culpa)

It's not my fault.
(Mea culpa)

It's in God's plan.
(Mea culpa)

He made the Devil so much stronger than a man.
(Mea maxima culpa)

Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire sear my flesh and bone.

Destroy Kagome
And let her taste the fires of Hell
Or else let her be mine and mine

I will find her. I will find her if I have to burn down all of this place.

Dark fire
Now priestess it's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn

God have mercy on her

God have mercy on me
But she will be mine
Or she
She will burn
Give me sanctuary!

When he was done singing, he went back to the cabin and give himself a good night's sleep. Black hoped he will get them next time, and so was Kagome who will be his forever.

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