Chapter 3: Son Goku

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"Wow! I can't believe Lady Midoriko sent us into another world!" Shippo exclaimed, sitting on Kagome's left shoulder as he sounded excited.

"Yeah," Kagome nodded her head in agreement. "It was great to have a new adventure just you and me. Gladly, we'll never get stuck by Kikyo after Inuyasha lets her join our group, so we don't have to worry anymore. We're on our own, anyway."

"I wish Sango, Miroku, and Kirara would come with us," Shippo said, sounding a bit sad. "Because they were always so nice to us and treated us like siblings."

"Of course they are," she said. "Well, except Inuyasha and Kikyo who was being disrespectful to us, but we'll be glad we were sent into another world by Midoriko."

Shippo nodded. "Yeah!"

Kagome walked in the green field while searching for Mount Paozu, Son Goku's home. She wanted to know where Mount Paozu is, but she knew where it is because of the signs.

It's been three hours for them to travel in the grassy field. Right now, Kagome and Shippo lay out on the grass, looking up at the bright blue afternoon sky as they ate their lunch. The weather was very warm and the field was filled with peace. Kagome and Shippo were happy it was springtime. After they were done eating their lunch, she sensed two demonic auras coming toward them. Kagome noticed the two demons have shards on their foreheads.

I can sense the demonic auras! Kagome thought, staring at the two demons. And they have the shards! Lady Midoriko was right about it. They have the shards and it has been sent into another world!

The two usually are humanoid-shaped, bulky, green skin and have three toes on each foot. They looked at Kagome and Shippo hungrily, exactly like every other demon she came across from the field. It disturbed her when they looked at her.

"Well, well, well, look do we have here," the first demon snorted, licking his lips. "The girl and the fox who's all alone in the field."

"Back off!" Kagome warned them as she pulled out the sword and pointed at them. "If you come any closer, I'll cut you in pieces!"

The two demons laughed at her which made her angry.

"Oh?" The other demon mocked her. "You are such a beautiful and tasty priestess."

Kagome growled at them as she was about to swing the sword at them. "You two are disgusted!" she shouted, she was now swinging the sword at the first demon's left arm that made him scream in pain. The second demon growled back at her as it ran toward her. Kagome managed to dodge its attack and sliced his right arm off. The demon cried out in pain and then stared at her with hateful eyes. He ran at her again and she stood her ground. For the third time, she stabbed him through his heart which made him scream in pain. After stabbing him through his heart, his body went limp and didn't respond to his body. She pulled out the sword and then let the body fall to the ground. The shard flew in the air and then landed on the grassy ground. Kagome picked it up, purified it the evil pure, and then put it in the pocket.

"You little brat!" The demon snarled. "You are troublesome!"

"Try me," Kagome mocked smoothly.

The demon ran toward her and he was about to attack Kagome and Shippo. She pointed at the demon with the sword where she was pointing at his forehead with the glowing shard. When they were about to attack each other, the strange man's orange-and-dark blue shirt and black spikey hair appeared in front of the demon, blocking the attack. She watched the figure punch the demon in the stomach as he spits out blood from his mouth. Kagome and Shippo were in shock to watch the man fight against the demon.

This man is so strong, Kagome thought as she watched him fight.

The demon got up and he growled, running toward the man with black spikey hair and black eyes. Once again, he punched the demon again and then kick him in the stomach. Kagome decided to join him. She sheathed her sword as the man used his superpower to blast the demon. Together, the two of them then destroyed the demon's life with their arms, legs, and head. It all fell into pieces. The shard appeared from his forehead. Kagome picked it up, purifying the evil then pick it in the pocket.

"Mama, are you okay?" Shippo asked her worryingly.

Kagome nodded with a smile. "Yes, I'm fine."

"Thank goodness."

She spun around and see the man standing in front of her. She smiled at him and tell him, "Thank you for helping me."

"I'm glad I could help," he said with a smile as well. "I sensed the power auras from the field, so I decided to help you both."

"I'm glad," she said. "My name is Kagome. Kagome Higurashi. And this is Shippo. What's your name?"

"I'm Son Goku," he introduced, "but you can call me Goku if you like."

"You're Goku!?" Shippo exclaimed excitedly. "You're the guy we've been looking for!"

"Really? You guys know me?" Goku blinked in confusion.

"Well, we were sent into another world to find you because we decided to join you," Kagome said.

Goku blinked again. "Really? You guys are not from here, are you?"

"Well, not exactly," Kagome murmured. "Shippo and I traveled in the world while searching for the place called Mount Paozu."

"Hey, this is where I lived with my wife and my son," Goku exclaimed. "We lived in the house and we have gardens. Plus, I'm sure you two would like to stay in my house if you guys like."

Kagome smiled. "Thank you."

"Hop on my back, guys," Goku said, letting them climb onto his back and ready to fly on. "We're going to Mount Paozu."

"Hai!" Kagome and Shippo shouted, nodding their heads. Goku then flew in the air as he was taking them to his home. Kagome and Shippo were glad to find Goku and they couldn't wait to tell Goku everything about the shards and Lady Midoriko who sent them to another world and needed their help to defeat Goku Black and Future Zamasu.

(A/N: Here's Goku everyone that you all been waiting for ^_^)

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