Chapter 38: The Revenge of Yamcha Part 1

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Chichi was inside the house crying after she was split up by Goku who told her that he wanted a divorce after he learned that she has been cheating on him with Yamcha this whole time. She couldn't believe this was happening to her. After having an affair with Yamcha, after situation she has. Chichi was a problem. In less than an hour, Chichi lost her husband and son. She had no idea where Yamcha went, but clearly, he broke up with her. He probably wanted his ex-girlfriend Bulma back. He still loved that woman.

Even though she still want to talk to Yamcha, but she knew he disappeared after they split up. Chichi had to find a way to bring Goku back. She needed to find a way to fix this. A plan started forming in her head that if she spread a rumor that Kagome had drifted their marriage apart. Chichi also blamed this on Kagome for ruining their marriage. Everyone would tell her and her adoptive son to leave this place. After all, everyone knows Chichi longer. They know her longer, but why wouldn't they believe?

Chichi sobbed harder in hopes someone will hear her, and sure enough, when she kept crying, a certain person was the first person that heard her. The only person who heard her was Videl.

"Chichi, what's wrong? What happened?" Videl asked her, worried.

"Goku left me." Chichi sobbed. Then she became confused.

"What? Why?" Videl asked. She sat next to her and comforted her.

"He told me that he didn't want to be with me anymore because he wanted to be with Kagome," Chichi explained it to her daughter-in-law.

"No..." Videl muttered in shock.

"Yes, so I begged him not to leave me, but he said he didn't care about me anymore that the only thing he cared about was being with Kagome." She continued, sobbing.

She gasped in shock. Then she became furious. "That fucking bitch! I knew I didn't trust her! Don't worry about a thing, Chichi. Somehow, I'll fix this."

"Thank you, Videl." She said happily.

Then she hugged Chichi as she felt being held tightly, but she didn't notice Chichi had a smirk on her face. When she let go of Videl, Chichi had worked more tears. So when Videl squeezed her left shoulder, she left the house and went to go find Gohan.


"Gohan! You never going to believe it!" Videl shouted, running towards him.

Gohan spun around and gave her a confused look. "What is it, Videl?"

"Gohan, it's about your parents. They're splitting up." Videl said.

He widened his eyes in shock. Gohan didn't know what happened between his parents, but he wanted to know why when he listen to his wife.

"What? Why?" Gohan asked, sounding a bit hurt. Then Videl explained everything to Gohan about how Goku and Chichi are splitting up because of Kagome that they had met her a few hours ago. Gohan was shocked but feeling furious about this girl. He never knew what's going on, but he wanted to find out.

"So will help me get rid of Kagome, Gohan?" Videl asked after she was done explaining.

He nodded with agreement. "Yeah, I'm in."

So... They went out to go find everyone and tell them about their situation with Kagome who is responsible for breaking their marriage up. Well, good luck with that, but they will learn what was coming from Chichi.


One hour later, Videl and Gohan had explained to everyone what was going on between Goku and Chichi, so they started to blame this on Kagome. So everyone became confused, not a single person believed them, but they started to talk amongst themselves, figuring out what happened between Gohan's parents. Bulma was adamant that her best friend Kagome would never do anything to drive them apart, breaking up their marriage.

"Well, I know that, Bulma, but I don't think Kagome would do that. It's not in her nature, no matter what she feels for Goku." Krillin said.

"So she does have feelings for Goku?" Android Eighteen asked, curiously, who crossed her arms across her chest.

"Of course she has, you guys! Kagome has her reason and feelings for Goku that doesn't mean she stole her husband from Chichi in order to drift them apart." Bulma declared while frowning at them.

"So what you're saying is if Kagome has feelings for Goku, does that mean she's the one who split them up?" Krillin asked in confusion.

"Of course not, you idiot! Kagome would never do that! Do you two not clearly see what Chichi did from thirteen years ago!?" Bulma argued.

"What do you mean?" Krillin asked.

Vegeta glared at them who leaned his back against the wall while listening to their conversation. "What she means is Chichi has been cheating on Kakarot with that hotshot for almost fourteen years."

Everyone widened their eyes in shock. "What!?"

Videl became so confused when she widened her blue eyes and sweatdropped. "But why would Chichi do that? I thought Chichi was telling the truth."

"No, she's lying." Vegeta replied, "That doesn't mean anything. She would never drift them apart. It was all because of Chichi who has problems. Kagome wasn't the one who is cheating on Kakarot with another man."

"If Goku left Chichi, then that's a good reason. He must have had a good reason." Bulma said.

"So you guys knew all along?" Gohan asked in confusion.

"Only Vegeta knows everything. He wouldn't tell me, but he didn't want my days to be ruined." Bulma said.

"It was obvious that Chichi and Yamcha had affair for thirteen years while sleeping together before the Cell Game, Goku's death, and even mini Kakarot was born," Vegeta said.

Gohan widened his eyes. "You mean Goten?"

"Yeah," Vegeta said.

Gohan was feeling more hurt while listening to their conversations. "So does that mean Goten is my half-brother?"

"What? Of course not, Gohan! We figured what happened to Goku from almost fourteen years ago before Goten came to exist." Bulma replied.

He stared at them with a serious look on his face. "What did Mom do to Dad?"

"While she was having affair with Yamcha, we discovered Chichi had drugged Goku while you went away from them then she brought Goten into this world after the Cell Game and Kakarot's death. Because she wants to have Kakarot's baby instead," Vegeta said.

"Oh, my God! I'm such an idiot! I wish I would've stayed with Dad before it happens!" Gohan cried as he buried his face, becoming frustrating.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you, guys." Videl said sadly as she gazed down at the ground, "I'm such a bitch sometimes."

Bulma walked towards them she wrapped her arms around them as she was hugging them. They leaned their chins into her shoulders while hugging her back. She rubbed their backs.

"Guys, don't blame yourselves. It's not your fault. It's Chichi's. She made a terrible choice when she can manipulate you guys into believing it was Kagome's doing. We all know we made terrible mistakes, but the past is in the past. It's all behind us." Bulma said.


"And Videl, don't call yourself a bitch. You never knew what was coming to her." Bulma said, smiling at her.

"Well, after you guys were don't hugging, we needed to tell Goku about this, or else things might get worse." Krillin interrupted when he stood in front of them beside his wife.

Vegeta frowned at him. "Great idea."


While it was going on, Yamcha planned and watched. He decided that the easiest way to lure Vegeta out was to kidnap Kagome and take her out where he could be alone with him. Then he could kill both of them, so he could get back to his ex-girlfriend Bulma. Yes, after breaking up with Chichi, he wanted Bulma back, so he could get her husband out of the picture.

Even though, having Trunks as his supposed son was fine to him. It was obvious he doesn't know she was pregnant with Vegeta's baby. So his plan is to gathered up the Dragon Balls then he took his irie out on the strongest Z Fighters.

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