Not a chapter

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Ok, I hate to say this but I'm not going to say promises. I will be late to publish chapter 17, but it shouldn't take me long.
Somewhat spoiler alert! Kira and Jaceline will be involved in it. of theme will be captured. That's all I'm going to spoil. Mwa-hahahaahahahahahahaaaaa!!!
Although, I admit, this story didn't go the way I wanted it to. In my POV, it's not that good but i guess not terrible either? It's my opinion, but I really appreciate that those of you reading it kinda like it.
I only said kinda, because I don't really know and I'm not one to judge.
Anyway! I know I'm talking too much that I should be tied by tape, I can hear that little voice yelling JUST GET IT OVER WITH!
And I will...when I get to the moon. Actually, I am on the moon! The view is BEAUTIFUL. Just on a vacation with my E.T. cousin from Space Time.
Earth's land is full of skittles.... \(@u@)/. And cute fluffy animals staring back at me, planning to use sling shots of flame throwers in my eyes. And I will be singing HOT POTATO! HOT POTATO IN MY EYES! While I'm running towards the skyyyyyy!

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