Chapter 2

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After one year of running herself from Korea to her hometown Taiwan, she comeback again with her new life. She want to forget everything and open a new book of her life. After that mistake, she felt useless and disappointed of her own self. A mistake that will be the most dark mistake she ever did but at the same time the mistake that she will never forget.

"Tzuyuu!!" Her unnies a.k.a her bestfriends shout when seeing she was zoning out at the airport lobby. She immediately realized and smiling to them before 8 of them rush to her and give a big hug.

"We miss you!!"

"Uhukkk.. Unnie!" She slightly choked because of the tight big hug from all of them. They broke the hug and giggle while staring and caressing her cheeks.

"Ah I miss you very much!" Sana pout and hug her again. She just chuckled and respond to the hug too.

"I miss you guys too." Tzuyu said while smiling and scrunched her nose. They take tzuyu's luggage and walk together to going back to their house. Actually they live together over 5 years already in a big house since some of them also from abroad. Usually during weekend or holiday, they will visit the korean member's parents house together and that's mean all of their parents already know each other.

"You're okay right?" Nayeon ask while holding her hand meanwhile jeongyeon was driving the car. Momo also waiting for her answer, really worried of their youngest.

"I'm okay.." She smiling to nayeon and momo. Jeongyeon take a glance to the mirror to seeing her face.

"Just forget everything okay? You need to open a new book and only we're here with you. Not everyone else." Jeongyeon said makes nayeon and momo also nodded to her facts.

"Yeahh.. Don't worry. I will." She give a fake warm smile to her unnies so that they will not worried about her again. At the same time, her mind blew away thinking about her pregnancy that can't be safe when she accidentally fall from the stairs at her parents house. She really disappointed and her heart broken into pieces when the baby can't be safe. Yes, she hate the facts that a nightstand with unknown guy makes her pregnant but she felt guilty and can't abort the baby too since she knew it also from her own blood! It's her own baby. Her soft heart really can't abort or doing something bad to her own pregnancy even though she hates that guy.

Chou tzuyu is a really innocent, pure and kind hearted girl that have a nightstand that night with unknown guy. She hold a grudges and really hate that man whoever he was! A nightstand that happened because of her drunk condition and wake up with the most disappointed, useless feelings ever. She doesn't remember anything about that guy and the only things she remembered is.. He has a long wavy black hair and a eyebrow piercing. That's it! It's still fresh. When she knew that she was pregnant, she told her unnies about it and makes all of them really shocked and also blaming themselves because they did not take care of her carefully when she was drunk at the party that night. However, her parents actually really angry towards her about this but when seeing she was in depressed, frustrated and crying all the time, they started to accept it since it actually not 100% her fault.

The happy situation after her parents accept her pregnancy was not last for the long time because of her careless. Her careless that makes she lost the baby and can't safe the baby forever.

"T-tzuyu??" Nayeon tapped her shoulder when seeing she was zoning out. She immediately wipe the tears and look up to her unnies who already get out from the car. She did not realized that they already arrive at their house. She give a warm smile to her unnies who seems still worried about her before get out from the car too.

"Finally! We are complete again!!" Jihyo said while smiling widely when they get inside their house. It's really comfortable for tzuyu.

"Wah! I really miss this house!" Tzuyu said while look around as if this was her first time staying here. She really miss this house and the girls too.

"Yeah, your room already missing you too i think?" Dahyun chuckled.

"Shuhhh go get a rest at your room okay." Nayeon tap her head with a smile and she nodded before all of them going to their own way to make their own work.

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